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To Members: Please ignore my posts!!!

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  • CTW Admin

Guys - please ignore my posts over the next few days I am definitely not feeling myself. To be quite frank I think the last couple of months of 'stuff' have messed with my head and although it started off being a funny side to me its now affecting my work and I find I am coming out with ivalid comments - not to mention my memory is f*cked. I just cant seem to make any progress with anything at the moment and everything seems a hassle when it just isnt!!? I was told that I HAD to give myself time to recover and I cant be doing that sh*t week-in, week-out but I thought I was invunerable and have actually got worse - get this - doing stuff in the working week at home and at Soph's etc... Soph - you know what I'm talking about.


I always want to be honest with you guys as you are always honest with me so this is why I'm posting this. It only occured to me this morning that if I cant do things in moderation then I shouldn't be doing things at all so I may well have to cut them out altogether. I am definitely not 100% in my head and its slightly worrying. It used to only take me 2-3 days recovery to be fully back to normal and be able to get back in the gym but


I know this is a real downer of a topic but I'm just wondering if there is anyone else out there who understands this. I'm sure I'll be fine by Friday but again, the group I'm going with to Fabric want it to be a mash-up and I definitely cant keep up - they have had like a months break whereas in the last 2 months I think the longest stint without anything was for 4 days (when I moved house). If there anyone out there who has got to this stage of doing stuff outside of the clubbing environment ? I've also noticed my hearing is severly f*cked in one ear because I have my music on all day at work, full volume in the car and 2-3 hours worth in the evenings. I need to get super-fit for Ibiza so stuff has the same effect as before. Soph can vouch for what I was like after Ibiza last year - maybe I should really think about cutting it out completely but I confess I dont think I can.


James [Confused]

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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  • CTW Promotors

This is a worrying thing! This is exactly what happened to me just after Amsterdam which is why I was away for a week or so! Before I went to Amsterdam I did feel pretty rough but ignored the fact because of the buzz of going! It weren't until I got back that I actually didn't feel well at all and just collapsed, the worrying thing is, there has still been no diagnosis for what happend, so far its been put down to exhaustion which I think and hope it was but who knows!


I strongly suggest that you (James) take some time off just in case it could get worse!! Its hard I know but I've felt fresh from the few weeks off I had!!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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Defo have a break buddy, it may be your bodies way of saying ' come on give me a break eh'


Just take time and dont rush about, stress is the key factor in most illness so the first thing is not to worry about it. Second chill out and take everytinh with a pinch of salt. The world wont stop cos your having a break and you'll enjoy future events alot more ie Ibiza if you slow down now.


Hope all gets better soon mate, [Wink]


Sacfrafice is the key to future treasures!

---> Beaker <--- 
Times may change, but standards will always remain.

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  • CTW Members

Im sure it'll get better with a bit more r and r James. I can completely understand what you feel like, everyone who works hard at something just has to seriously chill every so often, so relax man! Thanks for working so hard on the site, it wouldnt be the same run by anyone else.


Sig [Wavey]

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  • CTW DJs

James. Listen to Kev, see what ahppened to him . Do you want to go until you collapse of just take a break mate, a few weeks of quiet nights in or down the pub, not so full on. You schedule is so hectic anyway and they say moving house is one of the most stressful things you can ever do so...

Just try and relaxa bit more, move to easiest substances(Ga*ja). Its much more chilled out. Just take it easy bro, i am always on the end of the phone mate as you know. Speak soon. CTW volume 2 has had its first mix, will be remixing it tomoz, all the tunes have been decided on too!!! HA HA - i make it sound so professional!!

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mate, i can completely appreciate what you are going through because i have been there... you simply cannot burn the candle at both ends and expect to get away with it forever. (sorry, i know you dont wanna here that)


when i was a kid it was fine, i could party 7 days a week a virtually did for four years at uni.


im 25 in a couple of months now and i know that i just cant do it any more (and stay sane)

I can only have a big night out once every one or two weeks ( I feel like such a fuddy duddy) Its takes me till midweek to recover and i am a chocolate teapot at work.


You dont want to be having a nervous breakdown mate and if you are worried about it that is the first sign. [Cop] (alarm bells)


Look after yourself mate!!!!!


neil [Wink]

no sleep 'till bedrock!!

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  • CTW Members

Mate, The solution is simple. Just stop for a while. You are the master of your destiny and right now you are being given a warning about your ongoing health. The human body is soft tissue and was never meant to be loaded up with chemicals. I have been where you are now having worked in clubs for four years and being on it most nights. The body breaks down and the brain begins to decay. Did you see the brain scans of the regular 'E' users featured recently in the media? They had big holes in their brains.

Be strong, have a rest and get into some fitness work as your body will love you for it. Then when we go to Ibiza the pills will be all the more special. Everyone supports you and no body wants to see each other hurtin.

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  • CTW Promotors

You got the hardest bit over & thats admitting things to yourself, theres plenty of people out there that dont admit it & they are the 1s that f*** up big time. U know im here for you anytime. [Happy]

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW Members

Phew heavy stuff!


Heres my twopennths worth........Life is about balance. Now I'm well aware I sound like a raving hippy, but it's true.


When I was in my early 20's I go clubbing every couple of months. Since Garlands (my fav club) got a website with a message board (approx 6 months ago)I have been caining it BIG TIME. I have met some of the most mental & wonderful people over that period, but it's time for me to take a back seat. This w'end is gona be the last messy one for a while.


I'm not a kid anymore & have have nothing to prove. Clubbing is not a game of who can take the most or how long can you carry on without sleep! When i was clubbing every couple of months, is was my answer to executive stress, now it causes it.


So James, go for a walk, feel the sand through your naked feet or get up early one morning to watch the sun rise. Life can give you the most amazing highs naturally.


Take time away, come back refreshed with the knowledge that you know your limitations.

Love n affection XxX

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  • CTW Admin

excellent stuff DuDu ! [star]

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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