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News: Deleted Topic on Other Forums

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  • CTW Admin

Again, I'm getting my topics deleted on other sites. This, to me, is NOT on - I'm trying to state when we are out in Ibiza so if anyone want to meet up they can.


I guess its because these other sites are reliant on advertising and have contracts & rules.


I'm WELL CHUFFED because I'm telling you all now - I will NOT get to this stage, and if I do have to go the advert route for paying for hosting I certinalty wont restrict any promotion. I learnt his off the excellent BoogieTown site - clued up people - who have a 'promote yourself' section - which is why I set one up.


James [bang Head] / [Well Happy] (because we're ahead already...)

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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  • CTW Admin

A response (from a large clubbing site)



we don't allow other clubbing sites to advertise or promote themselves on 4c.....couple of reasons, firstly it's a bit cheeky....like u don't see MacDonalds advertising in Burger King!.....and secondly cos it happens too much....cos we're one of the bigger sites, and since there's 100's of clubbing sites, we get them trying to promote on the board on a daily basis...so we stop all of them





LOVE IT - People be proud - we are ALL like-minded on here and it would appear we are few and far between ! LOVE IT LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!




[ 13 June 2002, 15:09: Message edited by: James ]

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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