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(!) News: Disk Space Problems

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  • CTW Admin

I'm afraid we are suffering from disk space problems - this could be down to Avatar usage but dont worry I'm not going to remove this feature.


I have just spotted that there is an issue with my Disk Quota - the Easily.co.uk (my hosting company) "Control Panel" states I have 130.6 MB of available disk space left.


I appear to only have about 3mb left and as such keep having software & ftp uploads fail!


I am sadly having to delete older photos but they are from last year and to be honest not of the 'real members' - i.e. US so not really an issue.


What is an issue is space which is why I'm hopefully moving to my new hosts this weekend!


Apologies for the site being down late last night - it really isnt me honest! I HATE being so reliant on other people - I've already raised a HelpDesk query with Easily with no reply - what more can you do ?!!!


That said, Easily are extreemly efficient normally and offer the best packages, but for us & CTW we simply HAVE to move to another host because of data transfer costs. Easily is great for getting something up and running but if you intend on having large images, possibly mp3s & Video streaming then their "pay-as-you-go" method can get very expensive!


Sorry to bang on but I just want everyone to know whats going on and why I haven't been able to spend time on the new web template.



CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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