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News: Troublemakers

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  • CTW Admin

I'm afraid I have no choice but to start listing the troublemakers on the board and in certain cases ban their IPs / disable their accounts - they are creating a nasty atmosphere which does not reflect what CTW is all about.


LibbyVanDyke - IP banned, account temporarily disabled


If anyone has an issue with this email me - I will give you the full facts.


I trust you will respect my actions.



CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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  • CTW Admin

Libby is coming back to the board - so please lets just move on - I'm sure we can all be mates - we just have to realise that we wont all agree on every issue.


Welcome back Libster.



CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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I am Back! All run and hide!!! *kidding*


Right Ok, hello everyone, i am sorry for my outburst the other day. The thing is I have very strong feelings towards not judging people/groups of society based on colour of skin or beliefs etc.. Thats why when i even slightly got accused of being slanderous and homophobis, i was really p****d off. I am not that type of person and i would never ever think anything nasty about anything like that. I just hate it when people judge you or call you a liar etc. especially when they have never met me...cos honeslty im a nice person and did not in the SLIGHTEST mean that in a nasty way! and that is the 100% TRUTH. i got EXTREMELY pissed off with this, as it was written in a mad moment at work and i didnt mean it how it may have been interpretted. Sarah i can see where ur coming from, but u must understand i didnt mean it nasty. I glad u deleted it. BUT PLEASE PEOPLE DONT JUDGE ME ON THAT ONE EPISODE. im a very open minded person and am not slanderous in the slightest.

I hope that this issue can be forgotten now, and no-one will hold anything against me.


Libby xx

clubber with a passion

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  • CTW Admin

welcome back hun - i'm sure we can now all see things from everyones perspective now.


Lets move on and Party Hard !!!!


James x

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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it also shows that these small dis-agreements mean nothing in the scheme of things - we are ALL still mates - life long mates - I'm 100% sure of it.


In fact I've noticed recently that its the people I have something to talk about with / argue with who give me the biggest 'buzz' and make me even MORE determined to meet them !!!


Cant wait to finally meet you Libby!


I think we should also note that its really not that important where/when we get to meet people - it doesnt mean someone is 'higher up' because they come to every event - nor does it mean that someone isnt a 'real' clubber just because they come out once a year - there are so many variables involved such as money that we cant possibly debate this subject meaningfully.


Love You All Till I Die (and thats a FACT) - the reason is because you are HERE aren't you?! - RIGHT HERE - RIGHT NOW - and that to me PROVES that you are ALL like-minders.


You wont be hearing any more shite from me now I'm afraid - back off to 'training' !


See you all tomorrow !!!


James *Booking Ibiza in the morning - YIPEE!!!!

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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Welcome back Libster ! [LoveFace]



Originally posted by James:

James *Booking Ibiza in the morning - YIPEE!!!!

Ha ha ha, just booked mine !!!


Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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Whoa, looks like I missed this too, this site is turning into a veritable Soap!


I dont know what it was, but I'm sure da Libsta is a good person (hell you can't be that gorgeous without being a good person can you?) Ok I see the logic here is flawed (as mine often is) but I just wanted to say something nice! [star]




Ok, I'll just leave,


Bye bye [Crying]

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Troublemakers will no longer be tolerated on this forum!


Bastard Moderator has been given a licence to punish all of those concerned! And if you think that it'll be of sexual favours I ask you to think again!




Bastard Moderator

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Originally posted by LibbyVanDyke:

Signum u r so sweet! Will you marry me, i have the ring ready (see avatar)

anything for you dahling! [Hearts]

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