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James & Dave in Ibiza (29th June - 4th July 2002)


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Hi everyone,

Hope you are all cool we are having a fab time here but the 4 days is depressingly too short.

Euphoria (Dave Pearce)

Saturday night was cool but not half as packed as it was last year, but we did manage to get VIP although the management wanted some kind of ´business plan´ for us to get on the guest list the following night ?!!!

Judgement Sundays

Last night was my best night yet - Ferry Corsten absolutely ROCKED - so much so I was practically in tears of emotion - along with this couple from America who like me were just in pure ecstasy. The man is a [censored] LEGEND, no one comes close in my opinion - in a league of his own - certainly within the genre. I cant believe Ferry was already playing when we arrived and the night should have been ´Ferry Night´ not Ju*gement S*ndays in my opinion.

Judge Jules wasn't great, but that's just purely my taste. He has been the only DJ so far to turn silly over photos.

Eddie Halliwell was incredible and just carried on and on even after the lights were up - it was so [censored] cool - there were only like 40 of us left right at the end and it honestly felt like a small house party!

I WISH I had a disk on me as I have loads of BLINDER photos to show you from the DJ booths. I will perhaps try and do this tomorrow at another cafe.

My head hurts so I can't say more more now - will fill you in with far more detail on my return. Now I'm clearing the stage for Dave....


(Dave´s Message)

twatty twatty, ka flump
*falls over*
Dont burn the burgers
*falls over again*



James & Dave 😃

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Glad to hear you are enjoying yourselves. It is very on off weather. James sorry my phone signal was crap the other day when you fones me from the airport.

What this new girls name you texted me about you met on the train!?

Have it large!

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*sniff sniff* Sob Sob*

I miss you guys!! 😕

I've had ANOTHER norty w'end! I popped my Sunday Garlands cherry on ........SUNDAY! 🤣 But had to leave early cause my wana b gangster boyfriend was sorting "Business" & it all got a bit hairy! 😄

Finally met Pablo 😉 on Saturday. Mmm NICE!

also Space Cadet & Swizzel.

Me n GB are thinking of doing the same as you 2 for the last garlands party - anyone wana come play? ☀️

Love n affection XxX

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Originally posted by DuDu:


But had to leave early cause my wana b gangster boyfriend was sorting "Business" & it all got a bit hairy!

For a minute I thought we were talking about Romford wannabes then!!!!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
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Lucky Sod's !!!

Large It Up Lad's !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

graemlins/GREY.GIF :loveface: graemlins/GREY.GIF

James, don't worry about the 4 days, you got another trip to look forward to mate !

Dont forget it !!! ☀️

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
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Good to hear that you guys are having a good time over there.


By the looks of things, Dave seems to be having a good time anyway?!?

Over The Top entertainment
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glad u guys are havin a gud time! [smoke]

enjoy the weather n all coz its shite over here...i iz goin for the wet poodle look today..got piss wet thru in town yey *sarcasm* [Crying][Crying]

Email : xxkinkykellxx@aol.com
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*Eat Smarties..Wear Pat Butcher earrings.. and romp with naked sumo wrestlers..

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  • CTW Promotors

Glad u r having a great time over there! U missed a good weekend over here tho! Goodgreef & ParlezVous were fantastic!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
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hey James,

Glad you're having a great time, sounds amazing!

Not long now and I'll be on my way! ☀️

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hi de hi campers!

James sort us out some VIP action for when we all go over.

We want to be able to flash our ClubTheWorld membership cards and be led into our own private room where nubile young ladies.....err..sorry....

*snaps out of it*

got a bit carried away there!!

Seriously tho, I hope you guys have a blinder and have a week of carnage..

soooooo looking forward to my trip (and visiting ibeza haha)

If you see Ralph remember to break his legs /images/graemlins/wink.gif/images/graemlins/wink.gif/images/graemlins/wink.gif

Seeya soon lads


no sleep 'till bedrock!!

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If you see Ralph remember to break his legs :wink::wink::wink:

Seeya soon lads


Think there's a que for that job! ☀️:BANGHEAD: graemlins/PHYCO.GIF

The great thing is, he never stopped the boys going out to play! Good on ya lads!

Love n affection XxX

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  • ClubTheWorld changed the title to James & Dave in Ibiza (29th June - 4th July 2002)

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