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FAO absoloubtly everyone!


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Firstly I am writing this not as James girlfriend, I am writing this purely because a few things on the board have been getting to me recently.


I have noticed a large amount of bitchyness amongst members and posts, and I cant understand why? Clubtheworld, is a purely clubbing related site, it is for us clubbers! The forum never had bitchy type posts, and I don’t think it should. It puts a bad impression on new members and generally annoys the older ones.


I myself am getting fed up with the amount of posts aimed at other members. If I have ever written anything that may offend another member can they please PM me or e mail me about it, rather then have it out on the message boards.

I have never had any intentions to piss anyone off, so if I have posted something you may think was aimed at you, I would rather you came and asked me about it face to face. soph@clubtheworld.uk


This board does need moderators. This doesn’t mean that just because someone has the power to delete posts, they are in a higher position then the rest of us!

I know, and see, how much stress James gets everyday from all the background work this site produces. It was just last night he had 41 e mails which he had to reply to. I think it is good to have James, creamy c, sarahpvc, robin, scouseladuk, tidy trax grant, and Diablo as moderators, Due to shear amount of work that has to be put into making this site. Without these people, James would be overpowered with way to much work.


I did used to think that moderators and reps were higher above me, until just recently, everyone on this site is equal. And there should not be any bitchyness talk, or people thinking or trying to be higher then they are. As I said EVERYONE ON CTW IS EQUAL!!


I have not really been posting today, because I felt I needed a break from the post.. general chit chat shite! A post that started off as a useful comment, but ended up with everyone not really listening to peoples opinions. Everyone is entitled to an opinion about a matter. And there will never be a right or wrong answer, but people can we please cut all the bitch talk in-between. And just listen to what people have to say.


In the long run, where does bitch talk get us??? Absolutely KNOWHERE!!!

Sorry I have to post this but I felt a few matters should be cleared up on my opinions of this board.


Clubtheworld, has always, and will always, be the thing that brightens up my day. I never had any friends at all until James created this site, and since then, I have met an unbelievable amount of sound, nice people of it! I don’t want that to change now. So can I we please call it on being nasty, there is no point to it.


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Unfortunatley - thats part of forum life.


Im on mixmag.net all the time as moderator and bitchiness/rivalry call it what you want appears all the time.


Its not so much the forums, the people on the forums, its just human nature, especially when socialising.


If its getting silly a big FAO and a bum slap to the offenders is enough


FUN ISNT IT EH!??! [Roll Eyes][Happy]




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Nice 1 Soph! Im getting sick of all the bitchiness. I dont want people to think im above them in any way. I love everyone on here & want everyone to get on. [Happy]

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well said soph


rick - agreed mate


I got divorced last year to get away from stress and so I've decided when people do piss me off or let me down on the site I'm gonna do a big FAO so EVERYONE knows the score - I suggest you do the same peeps - in fact - FAO is gonna be a non-moderated area I've decided and you can say exactly what you like in there and get your point across in the way you want it to come across. I also want people to FAO ME as well and tell me EXACTLY what you think of me / my ideas - its only by doing this I can continually self-improve myself and/or the site.


Cheers peeps! See you at the weekend - luckily they dont allow blades into GG !!! hehe (joke)



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I agree with you completely here.


I have noticed the increase of "slaggin matches" on various posts.


Even though none have been aimed at myself (not that I know of?), it still annoys me to see why everyone should be "gettin at each other".


I hear enough of mouthing living over here, and to come on to a site to see the same thing just isnt on.



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Originally posted by James:


I'm gonna do a big FAO so EVERYONE knows the score - I suggest you do the same peeps - in fact - FAO is gonna be a non-moderated area I've decided and you can say exactly what you like in there and get your point across in the way you want it to come across. I also want people to FAO ME as well and tell me EXACTLY what you think of me / my ideas - its only by doing this I can continually self-improve myself and/or the site.


Cheers peeps! See you at the weekend - luckily they dont allow blades into GG !!! hehe (joke)



infact can everyone start telling me exactly what they think of me, its the only way people can learn about themselfs and improve if they have to. i would appreciate it if people could speak there mind about me. i am not easilly offended when it comes to people i havent met before, and i think it would do me some good to hear what people think of me.


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Can i just add a few words of encouragement here to both Soph and James...

I joined this site cos i have an interest in clubbing and found that everyone came across as being friendly and interested. Some of the topics have made me laugh at a time when i have needed cheerin up. Havin read some of the letters posted today about bitchiness etc it has surprised me that a few feelings have been hurt. Im sure i speak for the majority here - I can see that many of you have a major role to play in keeping this site going and you should feel a great sense of achievement that people like me join up and are at least made to feel like they "belong" and feel welcome. The response i have received so far have been very overwhelming - only heartfelt messages of welcome and support. I dont know you guys, but to Soph and James and all concerned in keeping this going, try not to make too many changes, keep things simple but most importantly, keep it going. You are there for each and every one of us, not the minority. Im sure that much of what has been said has perhaps been taken out of context (easy to be miscontrued when put in writing) but when you get down to the nitty gritty, we are one family with the same common interest...Lets just enjoy that fact. Didnt want to labour the points already made but there is something good going here...

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