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FAO: Flakey Dove & Jilly


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You 2 need a better title than the default "Dedicated Clubber" - anyone got any ideas ????!


ps. I haven't forgotten about some of you other people still awaiting one either !

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Honoured as Iam that such an accolade should be bestowed upon me,I would find that such labels would heavily contradict with my socialist principles,and induce me into a petty bourgeois ideal that Iam firmly opposed too.


Having said that 'CTW stud muffin' has a certain jen e' sia qua,although this is about as likely as arthur scargill sweeping to power at the next election.

Oo er,bit of politics!

My names Flakey dove,a good nighta.

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Originally posted by flakey dove:


Having said that 'CTW stud muffin' has a certain jen e' sia qua.

Sorry dude, I own the rights to that one! It will be coming up for auction shortly though mate so dont worry!!!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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Being a woman of few principles(especially at the end of a night!), i would be happy to throw any socialist beliefs that may have been passed down my family for generations out of the window and would indeed be honoured to receive a shiny new description! [Happy]


Only problem is that i am clearly lacking on the imagination front(not in every area of life i must highlight)when it comes to this type of name stuff being that my forum name is "Jilly" only slightly differing from the "Jillian" that i was christened!!! [Confused]


Need help - but will get thinking!! [idea]

ok then, if you twist my arm....

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