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FAO DAKERS - You Tosser !


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  • CTW Promotors

Oi [censored] face!


Just seen your the new contender for bloke of the month on BigWideWorld - well done! However, my joy turned to horror when I noticed that you have got *that* picture on your profile you knob cheese!!!


ClubTheWorlders, check it out here and help Dakers the tosser get to Bloke of the Week for next week!



MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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  • CTW DJs


Originally posted by wub_wub:

nice......btw, many thanks again for the quality porn dakers.


I was playing "Anal_Orgy_German_BLonde_Cumshot.mpeg down the phone last night. Very nice!

I don't know what you're talking about.. you wouldn't find me in possession of any porn... you must be getting me confused with someone else!

Email & MSN: pdb_1@hotmail.com
Mob: 07788 133678
Only Smart-E's have the answer!

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  • CTW DJs

Well? If no-one tells me what's wrong very soon I'm going to have a strop and go on a rampage and insult people who talk to me even if they're very nice and lovely and I'll piss people off by making lots of random posts just being really arsey and getting up peoples noses and just writing crap 'cos I'm in the mood for it and upset the ying and yang of the board...




Just kidding! I love you all! Mmwwwwaahhh!

Email & MSN: pdb_1@hotmail.com
Mob: 07788 133678
Only Smart-E's have the answer!

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