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FAO creamy, james,

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  • CTW Admin

we've been trying to get custom made t-shirts made for the last 6 months or so for all the regular members - there is an old post lying around somewhere with everyones orders on - only problem is finding a printer who can do them well enough and cheap enough - we dont want just any old shite and I was getting somewhere but I'm afraid its gonna be a while before I can put a bulk order in for the 'proper stuff' as things are tight at the moment... I'm also waiting for a high res version of the transparent logo from my mate to go on the t-shirts.


however - CreamyC has assured me that he's getting some interim t-shirts done pre-ibiza - i think he mentioned they were like £15 or something - I've told him to order me one regardless but I think we are waiting for the first 'tester'. I'm not sure how he's even printing them because I dont believe he even has the correct logo to use but its gonna be fun seeing it ! hehe


James [paranoid]

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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