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arre you in a monogomous relationship?


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i am and both i, and my right hand, are very happy.


i can't ever imagine anybody being able to come between us.


we are so compatable we are even the same blood type.


we do everything together and i can't imagine what life would be like if we were ever parted.


i'm not going to lie to you, i have been unfaithful on a couple of occassions in the past, but in the end i've always ended up with my right hand again. i'm so grateful for having such an understanding and forgiving right hand.


sometimes, to spice things up a little, we'll bring in a third party. it's really exciting having right hand on my shaft while left hand gentley caresses my balls.


anyway i just wanted to tell you all that i think me and my right hand will always be together.


unless right hand goes off shop lifting in saudia arabia.









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Lmao!! [Laugh]


Im in a weird situation at the moment but like you if it allfalls thru ill still have hands and a vibrator [Wink]

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
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Originally posted by Ross.Rocks:

I'm in a weird mood at the moment dont really wanna even kiss or nufin at tha mo.. just wanna rave.

Top boy !  -

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
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D'ya mean '[censored] Friends'??


I've gotta a couple of them... like no strings, casual sex sorta.. [Happy]


I'm in a weird mood at the moment dont really wanna even kiss or nufin at tha mo.. just wanna rave.

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I am in a monogomous relationship at the moment. To be honest, I've never cheated on someone I've been in a relationship with, something I'm proud of. And I'm on my third long-term relationship!!


Buuuut, I do enjoy playing the field when I'm single grin.gif , helps put things in perspective!!


I have had 'urges' to cheat tho, in all of my relationships (cos I'm naturally horny tongue.gif , I wonder if it's normal? What do you think Stryker??



I am NOT a dj

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i'd say it's perfectly normal.


what we'd like to do in fantasy and what we are prepared to do in reality are two totally different things.


take me for example, i know that my desire to butt-[censored] anne widdecombe while she's going down on mo mowlam will probably forever remain a fantasy.




anne widdecombe




mo mowlam


it's a graphic image i never want removing from my memory.









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