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CTW Ibiza 2003 Trip - Put Your Name Down !!!


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naaa I don't want to go overthere again next year.... tut... oh go on then... you twisted my arm smile.gif


same as beckie thou probably do a lastminute thing... hate making plans that far ahead... when you got more details thou i might book up.



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I'm def in, with CTW, 4 serious dancing and clubbing. And a wicked time!!

l will probably also go for a w/end with mates, on the pull, knowing them!!

NB I speak fluent Spanish / Know a lot about Travel / holiday industry, so if you want a hand with the organisation James let me know.



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You speak Spanish?

How come?


James I am Soo tempted!!

Got to be honest & say I like the idea of a couple of apartments. As I think it has already been said, that way we can have "mad 4 it" & a "chill" apartments.


Oh & btw, I know alot about travel too!

*DuDu pulls tongues at Big_ee69 and runs off before he catches her with his feather duster!* laugh.gif

Love n affection XxX

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Yeah - we gotta get a villa - i wonder if its possible to get a villa thats near to San An but still out of the way for our mashed parties! Other wise prepare to spend a fortune on taxis!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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Du Du.


I've always been known for my tongue skills...infact i'm widely regarded as a cunning linguist. tongue.giftongue.gif


Big_ee puts down his duster...

Seriously though..m parents are Spanish..tho I was born in Clapham, So I speak English Spanish, passable french, and a little bit of Italian.




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Hola Chiqa


No he visto James,y no me ha llamdo todavia, ha desaparecido completamente. Tu Castellano es muy bueno, pero James no esta abajo, esta perdido. Abajo quire decier "below"


Se quires te podria dar una demonstracon mas detallada de mis poderes de lengua, mano a mano. tongue.gif






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¡Apesadumbrado de oír James todavía le evade, yo son seguro que él hará estallar para arriba otra vez pronto - apenas cuando usted lo menos lo cuenta con! ¡Gracias por el elogio en mi español a propósito! smile.gif

Love n affection XxX

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De nada chuilita, es me placer, y honor.


Me voy al Gym en un ratito, entonces, voy a tomar algo, con Fred, Creamy e todos, y vendre a CWT otra vez esta noche, si no hablo con tigo hasta manana, pasa una noche buena, y te vere pronto.




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Me pienso voy a tener que ser honesto con usted.

Tanto como amaría tener una lengüeta extranjera, estoy utilizando de hecho un servicio de traducción del Internet! blush.gif Hey, apenas intentando impresionar! smirk.gif


Tenga una gran noche y diga hola a C y a Fred cremosos para mí! xx ooo.gif


Oh btw, please ask Creamy if he's coming up for Miss Fish Flaptastics birthday.

Love n affection XxX

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¡Hey, trabaja para mí! estoy alegre que éste no está degenerando en una lección española para nosotros toda.

¡Y hola DuDu de todos modos!


Por lo que sé Kevin va para arriba con mí.

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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¿Pero puede persona hablar alemán? Puedo...


Hallo alle.... Ich kann chinesisches, französisches, deutsches, italienisches, japanisches, koreanisches, portugiesisches und Spanisch alle mit Hilfe der Geplapperfische übersetzen!! Hee Hee. [censored] wütende Symbole diese!!

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