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CTW Ibiza 2003 Trip - Put Your Name Down !!!


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So whos actually going then? copy & paste your name onto here


1)Sarah Pvc

2) James

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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1)Sarah Pvc

2) James

3) Shenlong - Gordy

4) Colin66

5) Claire DC

6) beckie la la

7) Blu300000000000000000000000003

My new tune - Acid Test
Read the CTW music news HERE DJ collapses after World record attempt
"Dont u think its about time you grew up?"
Girl's are the Devil

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  • CTW Members

1)Sarah Pvc

2) James

3) Shenlong - Gordy

4) Colin66

5) Claire DC

6) beckie la la

7) Blu300000000000000000000000003

8) Tony.P

9) Doggy Woo !!!!

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  • CTW Members

1)Sarah Pvc

2) James

3) Shenlong - Gordy

4) Colin66

5) Claire DC

6) beckie la la

7) Blu300000000000000000000000003

8) Tony.P

9) Doggy Woo !!!!

10) Dondo- provided still got a job in new year

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  • CTW Members

1)Sarah Pvc

2) James

3) Shenlong - Gordy

4) Colin66

5) Claire DC

6) beckie la la

7) Blu300000000000000000000000003

8) Tony.P

9) Doggy Woo !!!!

10) Dondo- provided still got a job in new year

11) fintbeast

12) Tresh...

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

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  • 2 weeks later...
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im deffo going ibiza, not sure on the plan for this summer though! last summer I did 3 1 week trips, this time I don't know yet!


I'm up for doing the radio1 weekend again so maybe a week then and one another time? or just the one? not sure..


deffo radio1 in the first instance though!

www.bmibby.com for cheap flights ;)


£45 return for the closing parties!!!

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  • ClubTheWorld changed the title to CTW Ibiza 2003 Trip - Put Your Name Down !!!

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