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Charlie and Kettie

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Those [censored] posh bints what were taking the piss out of us.


"Two pounds of coke, that'll last me all of a week. Hahaha"



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What the [censored] are you talking about ?

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
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-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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Two random girls were invited into our chalet by James or Kev - cant remember which & took the piss out of us for over an hour - only we didnt realise they were taking the piss cos we were so wrecked!

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  • CTW DJs

Were they really bisexual, or just having me on?


WOuld explain why they wouldn't snog for the.....



"TONY Du Vit's the Dawn"




Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

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they were a total pair of toss pots. At least the slighltly less fortunate looking one, the one who looked like she had fallen out of the ugly tree and hit a few branches on the way down, was a touch more tolerant than the "Oh, I [censored] in acting" snobby bint!

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Surely you would of realised within an hour that two girls were rippin the piss outta you, no matter how creamed ?


Either that, or you must of been totally, outta the planet, £$^%^& wankered.


TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
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fooking funny though - I think I pretended that this was an underground dr*gs operation, which of course it MOST DEFINITELY ISNT, and I informed them before they left that we were having them on as well.


I'm not sure if they were taking the piss or not now ?!?!?!

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was funny james, trying to blag that you sold ***** on the internet. Sounded reasonable to me. Had me convinces, but given my state u could have convinced me I was a 20st fiji warrior called susan! crazy.gif

Edited by James
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  • CTW Admin

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