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Fred the elf!


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Once upon a time there was an elf called Fred. Fred was an ever so nice elf who all the boys and girls loved. The non day Fred decided to go on an adventure... he was an ever so brave elf u see. All the boys and girls begged Fred to stay, but his mind was made up so off he went!....


Although Fred was a very brave elf, he was not the brightest! and he set off forgetting to pack his tousers. To you and me this seems an ever so silly thing to do, but fred just simply forgot. So off he went, trouserless, in search of adventures in lands far far away!....

What's the point??

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Gilly - do i get any clues to what u are on about?! wink.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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Don't get much more random than that !

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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Yeah, I agree.



TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
E Mail : Grant@ClubTheWorld.com
MSN : TidyTraxGrant@Hotmail.com
YahooID :TidyTraxGrant@Yahoo.co.uk



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