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Gallery colours fooked ...

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  • CTW Admin

*eeek - only just realised when I moved the forums it caused the stylesheet on the gallery to get foooked up - sorting it out tonight !


*double eek!

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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  • CTW Admin

Gallery colours fixed but.....


I wanted to make the site look a little 'classier' and so I think we should opt for a darker pastely background colour - at least for the gallery as the thumbs & pics stand out better - and potentially on the forum entrance page - still not sure am i certaintly wont switch it live until you are all happy with it / voted on it - i will set up a test area...


Can I make it clear also that its crucial to me this site doesnt end up looking like 'just another clubbing site' - i.e. commercial / money making as its precisely this reason (from what I'm told from you lot !) that people love ctw for what it is. Obviously as members increase and data transfers go up I will, regretably, need advertising in some shape or form to pay for the hosting costs, and possibly development costs if I want to get others to do it (properly, lol) - but just so you know (and I know the people who know me know this) that we dont ever intend on making money out of you - rather the clubs clubthemselves for the benefit of re-injecting any surplas cash into the site to make it bigger and better and also to pay for the on-going server costs etc..


Sorry to bang on - its just I get about 2 emails a month from people thinking I'm just out to make cash - MOST DEFINITELY NOT - my job is going extreemly well at [censored] and I would rather generate more money through that career right now / keep my job! But also, I want YOU LOT to get involved more if you can at some stage - whether it be photography, reviews, graphic design or whatever - and unfortunately most people need paying for this stuff - I would rather keep it 'in house' though so we really are pushing for finding new reviewers & photographers globally - if you know of anyone let us know asap !


Another area we want (ok, I personally would love as it's kewl stuff!!) is another box to host streaming mpeg video from our nights out - a LOT to take into consideration here so I will get back to you on that one - but failing that I do intend on doing DVDs for members events - a proper recorded history of our superb nights out - imagine looking back at them when we are all 70 odd, sitting in a pub !!!!

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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