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Flakey Dove

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Now hang on there just a minute big boy.


I notice from my avatar thingywhatever that my 'dedicated clubber' status has been demoted to the more humble mere 'clubber'.


This is an outrage!


Im shocked,appalled and,yes,pretty much goddammned emotional about this scandelous turn of events,thanks for asking.

Im 30 now you know,I demand more respect.I know my stuff,Ive grooved to Ian van dahl,hung out with jeremy healy,Hell,I even smoked E once.

I insist this outrage is rectified immediatly, otherwise its the birch for you sunshine.


Yours disgustedly


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wasnt intentially - people got 'arsy' about the word "proper" and "dedicated" so I changed it to just 'clubber'


What title do you want ?

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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yeah - they did Flakey! but only a very very small minority


I've learnt I try to please everyone and end up pleasing no one so I'll be less easy in the future I think and say i'm doing this or that and its tough!


Nice to hear from you mate - sorry i didnt make liverpool the other weekend. See you again sooooon

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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Good stuff mate.

Yuo missed a goodie the other week.Ill try and get down the big smoke sometime,but its a bit of a pain in the arse tryin to sort out.Quite fancy visiting me old haunts.


Top marks on the site by the way,big thumbs up for yourself and the rest of the crew.Its looking pretty tasty.


Have a good one.


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