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FAO TONY P (Cupid Resident)

Andy B

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Alright mate. Give usa ring wen your free to talk (not before 3pm) caus your fone is always off mate. You going to Rehab for Tidy ltd on the 17th?? If so how ya getting there and are ya going up with anyone else?? If ya want you could go up in my car to cut the costs a bit!!! I might go Sat if Claire can think of something cheap and chearful to do on the Sat!!


speak soon - Andy.

(,") ** www.CUPID4CLUBBERS.COM ** (",)

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  • CTW Members

Safe well I'd love to but money if really fukd up!! How bout if I drive you up on the sat and I can think of something cheap to do (or find cheap tickets which is literally impossible me thinks)!!! Deffo going to Rehab though!! Speak bout it soon - Andy.

(,") ** www.CUPID4CLUBBERS.COM ** (",)

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  • CTW DJs

Sounds cool mate, Kev and James will be coming up from london too. So if you got enough room we can split the cost 4 ways. I've also gotta DJ on Saturday afternoon in the Office Bar for KWEEZEE, so come along to that and we can make a day of it. Think Kev and James are coming to that too.

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