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CTW games

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  • CTW DJs

Yup yup something like that. A platform game graphics wise will be easy, as its only 2d, also platform games can have lots and lots of levels, because their so easy to design.


I've never done a platform game in flash only in DirectX cause I program PC and PS2 games, tis a language im used to.


I'd get my games development team to help you out, but their currently not working on anything because I maybe closing down the games studio, dunno for sure yet though...



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  • CTW DJs

It was just a normal day for club the world...Claire DC smutting.... CreamyC leaving somewhat random and seemingly pointless comments. everything was normal...


Suddenly a dark shadow was cast over club the world as a dark and mysterious stranger wondered in...Then the worst thing happened...JAMES GOES MISSING!! dum dum dummmmmmmmmmmmmm...


It is up to you, the CTW members to chase this dark stranger through the world of the forums and find James whereabouts before club the world, as we know it is destroyed forever…Good Luck…



....I don't [censored] in the story line department hehe..


If you did a plateform game, you could base the back drops and other graphics on the Forums Theme, so it looks like your running through the forums trying to ind are missing james, and a new challenge awaits for u at the end of each forum section or something...


....yea....*shuts up now*

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  • CTW Admin

I think it was SarahPVC, with the ket, in the VIP room


Wub - LMFAO - you are a GENIUS my friend !


*in fecking stitches ...

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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  • CTW Promotors
CreamyC leaving somewhat random and seemingly pointless comments. everything was normal...


I find that offensive you bastard!


In my story James does disappear but he never comes back! I then take over and ban all of you for being such geeks and being on a computer at 1.10am! Great game!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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  • CTW DJs

I find that offensive you bastard!


My upmost apologies CreamyC winge.gifevil_laugh.gif


i just remembered your sorting out transport to the ctw event, best keep on ya good side, i don't want to end up on a bus to china or something frown.gif

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