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Boycott all future Gatecrasher Events!


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  • CTW Promotors

Guys i think we need to stick together on principle here & email gatecrasher (miranda@gatecrasher.co.uk) (or .com) and tell them how disgusted we are at not being allowed cameras in.

Having just spoken to both Andy Farley & Amadeus (Tidy) I am further disgusted - it turns out that Andy has only been allowed 2 passes for himself & Amadeus cant even get his wife into the event! What sort of (super?)-club is this turning out to be!

I think we need to stick together as will have more imact in numbers & see if we can change the situation for the future. We cant let this happen when all we want to do is take pictures of our mates!

Aparently security is mega-tight also!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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Put my name down...


They are going DAN !


We'll take over !! (2008 lol)

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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  • CTW Admin

just to confirm as well that I'm not moaning about soley CTW pics here - if 'us clubbers' cant get our cameras in why should anyone else!! mad.gif


Its everyone or no-one in my opinion!!


jeez - just worked out i've spent 8.2 hours talking about cameras in my life!!!

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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and mine. No doubt Little Jon (me mate in LA, a long time GC clubber before he moved out there) will go down for this too.


GC have just got to stuck up. They were gettin that way late 99. Saw it coming a mile off that's why i slowed down on going there. They know their time is up so they are just trying to screw as many people as they can. CUNTS!!! angryfire.gifangryfire.gif

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  • CTW Members

LOL nice opinion!

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  • CTW Members

Ye obviousely not one of them clubs that cares more about its clubbers than its money! If they had any sense they woudl let clubbers take pics becuase if anything were gonna put um up and its more or less like promoting the event, if u see sum1's pics and theyre good u take note of that event and think that looked wicked, but what good is that if u cant even take a fuckin camera! It'l b my first time at the NEC and i wanna b able to remember it becuase i know il b too fooked else!

About as innocent as a Nun doing pressups in a Cucumber field

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  • CTW DJs

its abit silly of them to plant this rule now, I mean think how many photo's of the place have already been taken, if they didn't want cams they should of banned them from the start winge.gif.


What is their reason for banning them anyways? confused.gif

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Thing is though some people could be coming along way on trains etc and if they dont have a car to leave um in its abit of a bugger, so if they loose people its worse.


About as innocent as a Nun doing pressups in a Cucumber field

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Nah becuase i reckon if you take a camera with you they wont ask you to get rid of it they will just take it fof you and give u a ticket or summut in exchange for it, then u wud have to pick it up after the event i reckon.

About as innocent as a Nun doing pressups in a Cucumber field

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