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Boycott all future Gatecrasher Events!


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how the hell are we supposed to meet up!? And if you do bring a phone, you must surely be allowed to put it in your jacket into the cloakroom...


so many people probably still dont know about this as well, is there going to be a 'mobile phone cloakroom' where for £2 they keep it safe for you? mad.gif


I hope there is then maybe the gc owners will walk in and get fried angryfire.gif

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One tiny question?


Why the [censored] are we promoting, supporting and taking 30 people to an event that treats us like this?


We are on the way up, they are on the way down!!..I say boycott all future GC events. Promote against them, and flood them with e-mails.



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  • CTW Promotors

The ONLY reason that we are going is because we have already bought our tickets!

Keep up the opinions guys cos this is getting posted to Gatecrasher 10 times a day until i get a response!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW Promotors

Thats it, I'm [censored]! I cant go, if we cant have our phones in their I cant phone my mum to let her know every hour on the hour I'm okay!


The Phone policy confuses the [censored] out of me!

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
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  • CTW Admin
if u see sum1's pics and theyre good u take note of that event and think that looked wicked


precisely MD - so it just proves that they are only out to make more money by selling cameras to you inside the event etc...


NO EXCUSE for this behaviour - would be different if the event was free or £10 but they are like £30/£40/£50 a ticket - and they want MORE cash from you post sales!?


LOSERS - it WILL be the end of them... and the start of us !!! oahahahaaha (evil laugh coming up ....) ----> evil_laugh.gif

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I doubt we're gonna b able to make a difference to the policy before the event but we cant deny that the event itself will probably be great BUT we need to get loadsa reviews or summut afterwards and write how loads and loads of clubbers where disguted at the price, the camera and the phoine business, cuz if ia fuss is made after then things can be done, (maybe to finish um oof ya ya never know) but its highly unlikeyly that the money grabbing feckers will do anything now, so make um pay for it after!

About as innocent as a Nun doing pressups in a Cucumber field

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Right two things:


Firstly as posted on a different thread, mobiles are OK (thanks for checking Sarah). The rules on the back of the ticket state no mobiles, but I guess this is just a blanket NEC policy and each promoter is entitled to permit mobiles in as they wish.


Secondly, although the "no cameras" rule is quite abhorrent, I would at least be willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. The main reason I can think of them banning cameras is to both protect the clubbers and the success of future events. Now bear with me on this one ...


A massive building full of 15,000 people, possibly half of them off their tits. Mates take photos of each other, most of them of nasty gurns and mongo faces, they get stuck on the net, police/licencing officials see them, aren't too impressed, and so the police presence is so strong at the next event that it totally ruins the night, or, failing that, the next event doesn't get a licence at all.


Crasher obviously can't ever completely rid the building of drugs, but they can at least try and do something to improve the perception of the event to the outside world - so that the Daily Mail, etc, won't just turn around and say, "this company is making money from youngsters who are ruining their lives by drugs," or some such tripe. By controlling what pictures are released to the press and what can be seen by the general public, it's going to seem like it's just a nice happy party with music and flashing lights.


Is this a fair point? As some folk have said, you can always take your money elsewhere. And I'm sure you'll make a tidy profit if you're to sell your ticket to someone in the queue on the night.


However, final thing I'd like to say, if they are selling cameras inside, then that's obviously a reason to complain and kick up a fuss, I totally agree with that.


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TomD I agree with you. I'm not going to the event because of the size of it but for those of you that are I am totally in agreement with what has been said.


I would hope that security is mega tight given the recent events in Bali, can't imagine what massive effects it would have on clubbing if the NEC was to have a bomb successfully planted in it, so whilst they are locking down on security I hope they are sweeping the place for such things before the night kicks off.


Everyone wants a night of happy carefree clubbing but at times like these, you just can't help but wonder.



Bouncer - Sorry you can't bring that into the club
Me - But it's a Banana for godsake !

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the thing is though Tom the police already know that clubbing has a strong drug scene so what's the point in trying to hide it. Who remembers when GC got busted? The floor was covered in drugs, you were lucky to see a peice of the floor.


That's what i don't understand about the photos. They know it happens and they know it is a strong part of the scene. By not taking photos are they covering it up and saying hey we don't do it. If so they are more stupid than i first thought!!

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