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Boycott all future Gatecrasher Events!


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Im not shitting myself!





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Ye we know why security is tight, if they find drugs on ya they keep it and sell it in the club, thats what all feckin security does, my mums boyfriend used to be on security and has done a few big events and said its the same everyhwhere they sell it in the club. Another nice way to make money, ov course nobody hears of this.

About as innocent as a Nun doing pressups in a Cucumber field

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the thing is though Tom the police already know that clubbing has a strong drug scene so what's the point in trying to hide it.


Fair point, I agree. Of course the police know this, and they will never stop it, not until taking drugs becomes "unfashionable" and the market slowly dies.


However there's still a large majority of the country that doesn't realise the use of drugs in Britain is so widespread. For instance, although I'm legally an adult, my parents would still probably be shocked to find that at some of the clubs I've been to there's been people who have taken drugs (never!). Yet when I mentioned to them that I was going to an all-nighter at the NEC they didn't bat an eyelid and aren't even aware that some people might be on pills.


It's still unfortunately the case that to the uneducated of Middle England, pills and hash seemingly go hand-in-hand with smack, crime and violence. Since it seems like this opinion isn't going to change any time soon, I'm probably more of the opinion that "what they don't know won't hurt them".


By not taking photos are they covering it up and saying hey we don't do it. If so they are more stupid than i first thought!!


No, I don't think they're saying that, I reckon it's more they obviously recognise that this whole industry is built on drugs, but that a lot of other people don't realise it. There are still hundreds of thousands of people out there who live for dance music but have never and will never touch drugs.


Restricting how the outside world perceives an event run by such a big "youth brand" such as Gatecrasher is probably the best way of allowing kids to get on with what they want to do, whilst showing parents/concerned citizens that all-night parties are no bad thing, IMHO. smile.gif


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police/licencing officials see them, aren't too impressed, and so the police presence is so strong at the next event that it totally ruins the night


Some good points tom but ...


If the police (and everyone else in the world) doesnt know that drug use DOES and WILL CONTINUE to go on then they are living a very blinkered clueless approach.


I dont think its anything to do with 'looking bad' / 'protecting the clubbers' - its ALL down to money/profit at the end of the day.


Cant we all just build our own clubbing planet and be happy together and get away from these fooools on planet earth!!

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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If the police (and everyone else in the world) doesnt know that drug use DOES and WILL CONTINUE to go on then they are living a very blinkered clueless approach.

Hmm, that's not really what I'd intended to say; the police obviously recognise that drug use and clubbing goes hand-in-hand, up and down the country, so instead of going for an all-out war (which they won't win), they try and target the dealers locally -- those illegally making money from the industry.


What the police will have to do, however, is make their presence known at an event where there's been significant public "interest" in kids using drugs. So if there's a report in the Daily Mail the following week about how 15,000 people were off their nut at the NEC and "something should be done about it", then the police will have to be more forceful at the next event, and make life miserable for everyone, and the licensing board will have to consider GC's application for its next event, or else risk backlash from voters/politicians.


Cant we all just build our own clubbing planet and be happy together and get away from these fooools on planet earth!!

Would be nice, wouldn't it! wiggle.gif


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MD - yep - TOTALLY AGREED - In the last 2 years I have seen FIRST HAND examples of people having their drugs taken off them by security, security then letting them in (?!) and then security hand the drugs to a young clubber who is blatently working for the club who I then see blatently re-selling the drugs inside the club.


Not sure if I can mention the club names here but there are 3 I have come across so far - probably more.


This really isnt on but it is going on and will continue to do so, and will get worse.


Just cracks me up that the police cant see this - unless they are being bribed too by the club owners ?!


Its all a mess !

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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then the police will have to be more forceful at the next event


but why will they have to be more foceful - or even be there ???! why cant they just let us get on with it and spend the time educating people about what to take/not to take with what etc...

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GateCrasher are cack anyway as far as I'm concerned, in all aspects, even a lot of their CD's are crap.

GodsKitchen always has and always will [censored] on anything GC does. notworthy.gif

TidyTraxGrant image.gif
' I haven't had a c*nt all night, drinkstable '
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Agree james


The police cant stop us from takin stuff at events like this, they have to b there to try and make the point that we shouldnt be doing this, but not enough informatiion is ever given out about drugs in a proper way, they wanna stop the likes of clubbers doing drugs then they need to show them scary evidence of what can really happen otherwise their presence at an event is gona do [censored] all apart from make the clubbers wiser as to how to sneak drugs in. Its not at all tactful to get clubbers to stop the drugs, psychology is a useful way. Either way, no matter how tight it is or not its not gonna stop drugs for [censored], so they may aswell not turn up, but ov course that wud neva happen wud it, its a money makin trade for them aswell

About as innocent as a Nun doing pressups in a Cucumber field

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Infact another really good idea i found was the drugs testing booths they have in some events i read about. hey say its not encouraging drugs but its better to have one than to not, appartently say u hand ur pills over they take a smaple and give it u back before u know the results, then they show whats in it and whether its dogey or not that way theyre not takin ur drugs off you but its up to you as to whether u take an unsafe one. The only reason clubs dont have this is becuase they think it promotes drugs when all its doing is makin a situaion they cant control alot safer!!!

About as innocent as a Nun doing pressups in a Cucumber field

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nice words Mitzie !

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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but why will they have to be more foceful - or even be there ???!


Due to: Middle England, politicians, voters and the public concerned about the health of our young people (and their drug habits), they have to be seen to be doing something.


I totally agree, that we should be allowed to do what we want, where we want, how we want, and I'd also like to make it clear that I still disagree with the no camera policy.


However there are many people out there who'd like to think that, just because they pay taxes, it gives them the right to kick up a fuss and let only their voice be heard on certain issues, such as drugs, making the police have to spend more time focusing on tackling the "problem" to be seen to be at least doing something. Let's not forget that, at the end of day, it's all about vote-winning, and since the majority of voters are middle-aged (sweeping generalisation here!), the Government, etc, has to try to please them.


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Cheers, its right though i just wish the government woudl face the fact theat cant control this no matter what, drugs wil always be around, people want to do illegal stuff, theyve gotta face it, instead of makin it worse by saying, we'l crack down on security etc i even heard a while ago there was rumours of banning nightclubs in years to come, then what will that do? illegal raves and much under much more unsafe circumstances, no paramedics then, no safe fire exits, the government are so stuck up their own ass! If they just accepted its a situation out of their hands then they could make it more safer by encouraging drugs booths and handing out information etc ahh well thats my rant for now lol laugh.gif

About as innocent as a Nun doing pressups in a Cucumber field

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