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hello and digital cameras

matthew james

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Olympus C-4040 Zoom.


The dogs bollocks. 4mpixel (that's just far too big), F1.8 lens (the best for low light shots), equivalent of up to ISO 400, takes quicktime movs with sound, manual exposure, macro mode, loads of random functions which someday I'll get round to using... and, best of all, it connects via USB, so you don't even need to install any software if you don't want to -- Windows just reads it as a logical drive.


PC World had it on sale at £499 a while ago, I'm not sure whether that's because it's being discontinued or what, but it's an excellent purchase. You'll just have to budget for an extra £60 on batteries+charger and a 128mb smartmedia card (because they're tight-fisted with what you get in the package ... just some non-rechargeables and a 16mb sm card).


Quality pics tho. PM me if you want some samples or something (my amateur photography!) or check out:




which is a review of the 3040, but AFAIK the only major diff between the two is that the 4040 is 4Mpixel and I don't think you can buy the 3040 any more.



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Sony Cybershot - 4 megapixel.


£425 from Manchester airport (duty-free) - usually around £600.

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I think Sarah's Sony one is one of the most robust & compact cameras out there - very good quality - but i'd say for dark nightclub shots you simple cant beat a Fuji !

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the canon's seem to be really popular here. i have a way old a50, some friends have the s10 and most people have the digital Elph (100, 110 or similar)


they are solid, small, look great and take great shots. i also like them because i have a CF card reader or my pc and they take CF cards.



"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

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