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Heat part 2 at Turnmills saturday 11th!


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  • CTW Members

That right its Heat part2 this saturday at Turnmills, try and stop me going!


I couldn't find a flyer with the line up and stuff but its guaranteed to be good ain't it, lol!


And if you have your Heat ticket from New Years eve, entrance is just £6!!!


Anyone else up for this??? bouncy.gif

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  • CTW Members

Important: change of venue for meeting up tonight! Farringdon tube station is closed all weekend, therefore we are going to be meeting up outside WHSmiths main entrance at Kings Cross from 8.30-9pm

From there we will walk to Turnmills!

If anyone has any problems please call me and let me know!


See yah later guys! beerchug.gif

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we are going to be meeting up outside WHSmiths main entrance at Kings Cross from 8.30-9pm


I thought all MEET UPS were gonna be taking place INSIDE either a PUB, BAR, or STATION ....


Maybe i just misread the post that outlined that, but i'll say this - WRAP UP WELL - cos it's fooking cold out there!!

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  • CTW Promotors

I wanna go but am still on my break from clubbing!!

HAve fun tho guys!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW Promotors

Its not 2 weeks its 3 & it seems like a lifetime!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW Members

Hi Tara


I went to Heat on NYE at The Hard House Acadamy and it was one of the best nights out ravin ever !!!!


Hope that part 2 at turn mills is just as phat for you !!!!!


have a good 1


jumpin wiggle.gif

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  • CTW Members

Hope ya ll have good un - jsut got back from purple turtle - my break going well coz still had wicked nite to bangin tunes and home in time 4 [censored] in the mornin! was still v v haaaaaaarrrrrrrrd leavin so early tho!

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  • CTW Members

Had an interesting night guys........

Turnmills is a strange club, not what I thought it'd be, music was quite good but there were too many sleazy guys!!!

At least having the right crowd made up for it! and hello to new member scouse who managed to recognise me and find me in the club, quite an achievement! lol! laugh.gif

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  • CTW Promotors

It was good to meet you Tara it was Lorna who told me you are off the CTW and happy birthday coming up thumbs.gif


Was a good night indeed and there was one particular strange person there i met but apart from that Billy Bunter and Spencer Freeland was absolutely Fantastic and even stayed open for a extra hour .


Well Done Heat Crew



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  • CTW Promotors

Never been to Turnmills with all the rooms open. Its double the size!! Music was wicked, but agree with Tara bout the people there. Some were lovely but it had a high percentage of sleazes!! I think maybe most of the normal people went to Timeless at Camden!!!


Oh, and that bloke at the end who looked like this nut.gif and smelt like puke just about summed up some of the clientele that night!! If it weren't for the excellent company I went with I would never have had such a good time!!!

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