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⭐️ People off CTW you have met & want to meet again ⭐️


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  • CTW DJs
  • James - lord high creator of all we survey. Sound geezer as well.
  • PVC - Possibly the nicest addition to the fetish industry since furry handcuffs became popular.
  • CreamyC - we don't always see eye-to-eye, but he's [censored] quality.
  • Scream - nutter. renowned for sitting in the corner of clubs mumbling 'So strong.....too strong.....'. Silly boy. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  • ELSxBells - any woman that is nice enough to let me sleep with her is okay in my books /images/graemlins/wink.gif Seriously though, I adore Elly.
  • Bunnykins - true Londoner, blonde to the core. We love her, especially for the after party stories.
  • Jay H - [censored] quality geezer, maximum respect for the lad. Partly due to the pictures of the bird he's shagging. GO ON MY SON!
  • Shenlong - Gordy, what can we say. Navigating round the Nottingham ring road with only one eye open was certainly an experience, as my rally driving in your living room.
  • Dooby - first bloke I met off the boards. Quality geezer, and we love him.
  • Nick G - not a bad clubber. Proof that old dogs can be taught new tricks.
  • Tara - despite recent events, still a quality girl, and an excellent person to talk to.
  • Tantrum Queen - COCK TEASE! Also, sorry for not remembering talking to you at all in Nottingham. Godamn breakfast cereal.
  • Tony P - Can't dance. Can DJ a bit.
  • Mr Moo - Army man Drew is a welcome addition to any clubbing related antics. Has the same thoughts as me at times, which makes for interesting conversations at after parties.
  • BeckieinLaLaLand - babe of the highest degree. Been nice to me ever since I finished off her Ainsley Harriot chocalate mini logs so very long ago.
  • Ameilia - sketchiest bird I know, hate to think what she's like at SunnyD! always to be remember for her camera related antics at Convergence.
  • Ickle_Monster - Finest antipodean export this side of Kylie Minogue's arse.
  • Clubbing_Si - Top notch bloke, one of those people I feel like I've known for ever. Always a pleasure to talk to.
  • Pepsi - filthy minx! /images/graemlins/wink.gif
  • Claire_DC - haven't seen that much of her (oo-er!), but she is an absolute sweety. Hopefully, she may venture out of Manchester some time this CENTURY.
  • FredtheBaddie - another person I don't always see eye-to-eye with, but still is held in high regard in Wub's standing of people.
  • EvilHedFuk - Sound geezer, shame he looks like a potato and likes that trance [censored] a bit too much for my liking.
  • djTommy - my best mate. Chances are we'll be stuck in the same old people's home.
  • MrHappy - obviously lacking in the spelling departments, Laurence more than makes us for this by being a camp sketchy whingy little fucker whom we love to bits! (shame about TinRib though!)
  • Myself - a cunt at times, a genius the rest of it.

Ladies & gentlemen, we are ClubTheWorld and we are Clubbing The World...........TOGETHER!

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

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Claire_DC - haven't seen that much of her (oo-er!), but she is an absolute sweety. Hopefully, she may venture out of Manchester some time this CENTURY.


I do venture out of Manchester a lot actually, leeds, sheffield, birmingham.... i think u mean to come down to London dont u? I copuld say the same for u about comin up north mr!!


Anyway.... Tidy London!! smile.gif


You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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  • CTW DJs





Well so far I've met (I think)


Sarah PvC - always happy to meet YOU again wink.gif

Ells - a good few times now.... smile.gif

Tara - of course!

Mr Happy - I remember you from Camden on more than one occasion! spliff.gif

Tony P - looking forward to Wildchild

Rachel (??) - you were with Ells and Tara at Camden Palace....

Fred the Baddie - never seen in the same room as Mr Reynolds..... hmmmm wink.gif


Errrr. *cough* *splutter* and anyone else I've forgotten....


I hope to see a big chunk of you lot on the 14th! bouncy.gif



WiLDCHiLD - where spacehoppers and pom poms rule :grin:

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  • CTW Promotors
Sarah, u have this amazing ability of making me smile like a girl whenever u post about me! fank u babe!


Anytime hun! grin.gif


PVC - Possibly the nicest addition to the fetish industry since furry handcuffs became popular




Guyster - how could i forget you? Have always been there when ive needed to chat & am yet to see you DJ!



INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW Members

Hey Guyster!


You've met me!

At/after the last Wildchild,

How can u forget my potato charms!


See u on the 14th.



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  • CTW Moderators
  • @James - Coz he soo funny. And didnt get to speak to him properly as i was low on NRG grr
  • @SarahPVC - didn't speak much as i was tooo fuckered.
  • @Claire DC - she is just a full on TOP BURD!
  • @sentialSteve - top dude - loads of fun!
  • @Mr Moo - never spoke to him much and he was sitting right next to me..next time it will be a meet he will NEVER forget (mwahahaa) :bigwink2: :wank:

That is all!!!


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  • CTW DJs
Hey Guyster!


You've met me!

At/after the last Wildchild,

How can u forget my potato charms!


See u on the 14th.




Ah yes - the face rang a bell, but it's just that I didn't remember being introduced to anyone called Ed.... but then I was a tad nut.gif


See you on the 14th mate - will be a pleasure grin.gif

WiLDCHiLD - where spacehoppers and pom poms rule :grin:

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This question's to wide to answer as I want to meet everyone again.

Made some good mates who are always up 4 a laff.


I do however want to meet James again, as I didn't really get to chat 2 him last time as I was a bit spaced out and just found a corner and danced.


Same story with Sarah PVC.


I'd like to meet Shenlong again, but in his environment as both times previous (Xmas party & Serious) he didn't look like he was having fun.


Mr Moo, didn't get to chat to him at Passion as I was too busy dancing and just kept shaking his hand nut.gif


Beckie La La, met her at the Xmas do, but Creamy jumped straight on her and didn't get to have a talk frown.gif



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