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Anyone making the trip to Glasto this year??


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I'll definately be there. Would do whatever it takes!!!!!


Was working there last year on the stall with the Emu Disco next to Radio 1. There really is nothing like it. notworthy.gif


Will hopefully be going with a load of mates too so would be great to see you all there. I'm hoping to be there from Weds/thurs and I'll be easy to spot. I'll be the one in the fluro yellow Cyberdog jacket spinning fire at the Circle!!! lol.gifbouncy.gif

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  • CTW DJs

Iv'e heard REALLY good things about Glasto!! spliff.gif


Was sooo dissapointed last year when the tickets sold out early. Gonna make sure I get mine asap this year.


Not exactly techno I know, but I'm really looking forward to seeing Radiohead and REM who are gonna be headlining grin.gif


Roll on Glasto star.gifgrin.gifstar.gifgrin.gifstar.gif

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  • CTW Members

Radiohead, I hope they are awesome, they are one of the few bands that I have never got round to seeing but really should have. Would be cool if we can get people together. Anyone know how quick the tickets sold out last year?

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