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Clubs are shit


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well they are, let's be honest.


the same DJs week in, week out, playing the same tunes to the same people who are all getting stupidly wasted on any drugs they can find (cough syrup, anyone?), all in one big room owned by some corporation, bastardising a particular element of 90s youth culture for quick profit while it still can, tongue firmly in cheek with its brands and icons, designed to appeal to literally the lowest common denominator.


prove me wrong. (p.s. i'm expecting to be, if it isn't already obvious)

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  • CTW Promotors
well they are, let's be honest.


the same DJs week in, week out, playing the same tunes to the same people who are all getting stupidly wasted on any drugs they can find (cough syrup, anyone?), all in one big room owned by some corporation, bastardising a particular element of 90s youth culture for quick profit while it still can, tongue firmly in cheek with its brands and icons, designed to appeal to literally the lowest common denominator.


prove me wrong. (p.s. i'm expecting to be, if it isn't already obvious)


This could prove to be the most interesting post of 2003 ......

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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well they are, let's be honest


That's why clubs are rammed with dedicated clubbers every weekend?


the same DJs week in, week out


Who bring a [censored] load of clubbers to the clubs week in, week out because they love seeing their fav DJz perform.


playing the same tunes to the same people


See previous comment.


who are all getting stupidly wasted on any drugs


Dont most clubbers do that?


(cough syrup, anyone?),




all in one big room owned by some corporation, bastardising a particular element of 90s youth culture for quick profit while it still can,


It's called "Giving clubbers what they want"!


prove me wrong. (p.s. i'm expecting to be, if it isn't already obvious)




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  • CTW Members

[censored] it mate!!!! I totally agree with you at the mo!! I haven't been to a decent club for ages!!


SuperClubs are officially "OUT" and you can stick yer fluffy boots and glow sticks up yer arse!!


give me a small cool bar that plays funky house with big sofas that you can chill out on followed by friends back to my gaff any time


Maybe its me gettin old......maybe its a sign of the times !!!! who knows

no sleep 'till bedrock!!

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  • CTW Promotors
i've never been away!!! just been quiet!


I thought this website was about hitting lots of people with clubs!!!


maybe I should go to johnathonwoodgate.com


Its a terrible state. Never though I'd see the day we'd all go to clubs to party and have a laugh. Thats disgusting. We need more of the beer monster fighting if you ask me.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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  • CTW DJs

I'm approaching the stage where I'm enjoying house parties (decks, drugs, rock N rave) as much as ANY club night. Especially Peach, cos its wank. wink.gif

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

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sounds like tidy to me....?? confused.gif


actually tidy was the inspiration for this thread.


DJSG - fair enough you've managed to denounce some of my points but the drugs issue is one I feel quite strongly about - I don't really find a room full of space cadets particularly attractive and neither does most of the nation. I think few people could argue with the fact that what originally started life as this generation's [admittedly rather feeble] attempt to express itself has been masterfully crushed by those looking to feed the bank balance rather than any kind of desire to keep any of the original spirit of the thing.

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Well I go to [censored] loads of wicked clubs these days - Variety is the key and I'm still not hitting as many new clubs in different areas as i want to - i aim to change that this year!


Only thing which does kind of wind me up though is when I get emails / PMs from people saying "but you've GOTTA come to because & ... are playing - what a line-up!!!" and I cant have the same enthusiamn as these people as i've seen those DJs about 20 times last year so its not 'as' special anymore - wish it was - again i think moderation is the key to keep clubbing 'magic'. I do now try to do the occassional funky or trance club in between the hh ones.

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