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Clubs are shit


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  • CTW DJs

TomD: it all depends on how you perceive it and what u make of it? I never take HH nights seriously, it is supposed to be tongue in cheek and just for a laugh. I very occasionally get to go to proper nights, i.e. techno, drum & bass, old skool. Maybe ur going to the wrong nights? It is good to have a variation awell, and perhaps not go clubbing quite as often?


But I can see what u mean tho. Slinky was going really bad towards the end of last year and I was getting fed up with clubbing. But then they got some new residents, better sound and lighting, sorted out some quality lineups and its back to being almost a decent night out (apart from the bmth pikey scum).


All else failing: Put on your own night somewhere shrug.gifsmile.gif

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the whole scene is heading for major burn-out. everything's being done to death; everyone's out to grab their slice of the pie in what's essentially now an industry, not a "scene", per se.


i don't see how youth "brands" which have practically built a full-time business on drug use (IMO) can really sustain people's interest. i'm acutely worried that it's almost certainly not about the music any more - and yes, fair enough, it's about meeting people and that's great - i love that part! but there seems to be a rather large percentage of people going to clubs at the moment who are keen just to follow whatever the latest "trend" is... the same kind of people who when they go home won't think twice about sticking Westlife on and claiming they sing some great songs....


Come on Tom mate .. what's REALLY bothering you? grin.gif

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  • CTW DJs

Clubs are how you make it, i've been doing it 4 years week in week out with no break and did go thru a point where i thought it was [censored], but life is always changing and thru clubbin u can make it change for the better, i've met loads of new mates in these last 4 years and i still wanna meet new people to gain life exp etc etc


PS I'm playing sundissential this week in the dragon bar so come down people..last set! I'm [censored] at djing but good at boring conversations so come n watch me bore the [censored] out of ya!

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  • CTW Promotors
It's about music (one of my fav tunes!)


Thats Oddballs fav tune as well!! laugh.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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djtommy> I didn't start this thread because I'm fed up of clubs or anything - far from it - it was really just to see what everyone else thought about the way things are at the moment. i will not tire for a long while of the clubs i go to where i live, in enjoy it far too much for that. however i still stand by what i say about its over-commercialisation, it being now simply another "target market" for advertisers - a big example being the much-hated adverts on the TV screens at the last GC.NEC.


one of the points i faintly made at the start which nobody seems to have properly challenged is that "clubbing" as we know it, which originally started life as people coming together for a party with original and fresh music, away from the mainstream, has simply become another breeding ground for more new youth "brands". the music's lost its cutting edge. in the 80s one of the the things that defined who you were was possibly what magazine you were reading, now it seems to be which club logo you "love" so much that you have to proudly display it on your signature, t-shirt, skin...


if there one conclusive piece of evidence that proved where we've come to it's that one of the club brands so many thousands of kids adore today is tightly managed by the man behind one of the late 80s' most successful novelty commercial pop acts.



btw, nowt's really bothering me personally, i just wondered what everyone else thought of it all. by the way, to whoever apologised for giving their opinion, please don't, you're totally entitled to think what you like - i started this thread to get a bit of debate going on the matter, not because i think everyone should agree with me!

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  • CTW Promotors

Its all about variation.


Its about going to different clubs.


Its about meeting different people.


If you're one of these people going to the same clubs week in, week out then you are going to get bored shitless of it. Going to different clubs keeps it fresh, I will never get bored of it, not while there is variety out there. The aim of this site is clear, check out new and different clubs whilst meeting new people at the same time. No one can ever get bored of that. If you do then you may as well not bother wasting any money going out in the first place.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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  • CTW DJs

Good tunes


Good people


Good laugh





these things are what make a nights clubbing. It doesn't matter if you're in a bar in Basingstoke, or on the Terrace at Space in Ibiza, a good club is made by the elements that go into the mix.

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

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tom i am really starting to agree with you on everything you have said. i mainly notice this in places such as sundisential where sometimes its like looking at clones. everyone dresses the same, they all dance the same!! i know im going to get [censored] for saying that but its true!


and every one is there for the music? well if this was true no one would be rushing round looking for where they can buy pills, no one would be on any sort of drug. the more i look at stuff the more im begining to realise its all about drugs not music.


i am starting to grow out of it all a bit. the clubs arent what they used to be (maybe thats just me) im not a big fan of hard house and i havnt found any club thats really funky. and the come downs are getting painful, im serious about that!


2 years ago i was out every weekend, getting twatted. it was all i looked forward to. i have realised there is so much more to a weekend! i want to make the most of them not be sat round feeling like [censored]!

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