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If you could be.........

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Mine would be in a log cabbin in say switzerland, with a big fire and a four poster bed in the cabbin (its gotta be done). With a big group of friends with lots of alcohol and a good sterio! would be wkd! grin.gif

Just have it like you know i would! :bigwink:
MSN- Geordie_becky@hotmail.com

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  • CTW Members
Mine would be in a log cabbin in say switzerland, with a big fire and a four poster bed in the cabbin (its gotta be done). With a big group of friends with lots of alcohol and a good sterio! would be wkd! grin.gif


that my dear is fuckin wikid. Could be in Canada too as Canada is just so beautiful. I would love to go canoeing on the lakes up there!!

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In the African Rainforest with andy bish, or even in bed with him would do me.. and he certainly would wink.gif


Buggarz now u've go me dreamin sleepy.gifluvu.gif

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i would be somewhere hot sunny and desserted jus me and my 3 ickle boys. no1 else so that no1 could interfere or hurt us. as people these days seem so interfering on the way young mums bring there kids up.

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


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i would be somewhere hot sunny and desserted jus me and my 3 ickle boys. no1 else so that no1 could interfere or hurt us. as people these days seem so interfering on the way young mums bring there kids up.


Have you really got kids? or am i bein really dumb icon_smile_blush.gif


Anyway if you have u look great 4 it, and young mums are better, it seems the older they get the more outta touch they r! Altho i'll have 2 contradict myself coz my mums great and she was 30 when she had me, actually its not that old! Think i should shut up shhh.gif

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  • CTW Moderators
i would be somewhere hot sunny and desserted jus me and my 3 ickle boys. no1 else so that no1 could interfere or hurt us. as people these days seem so interfering on the way young mums bring there kids up.


Have you really got kids? or am i bein really dumb icon_smile_blush.gif


Anyway if you have u look great 4 it, and young mums are better, it seems the older they get the more outta touch they r! Altho i'll have 2 contradict myself coz my mums great and she was 30 when she had me, actually its not that old! Think i should shut up shhh.gif


yes iv got 3 kids, mikey, brandon and shay. they are the greatest thing in my life but things just keep wanting to get in the way of bringing them up.

people say im mad cos im still only 21 but i see it as bein able to do fun stuff together in the future.

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


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yes iv got 3 kids, mikey, brandon and shay. they are the greatest thing in my life but things just keep wanting to get in the way of bringing them up.

people say im mad cos im still only 21 but i see it as bein able to do fun stuff together in the future.


I think its wkd and aslong as you's are happy, screw everyone else thefinger.gif I've got a 6month old god-son and ever since i clapped eyes on him i've wanted a baby lol

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