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Carl Cox

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Carl Cox is playin at union tonight. I havnt really heard himplay before so dunno whether he would be worth goin to see. Havnt got that much money cos i have to save for tidy, but its only about £5 so dunno what to do!


Anyone like him/not like him?


Amelia didnt you go to see him in leeds?

Just have it like you know i would! :bigwink:
MSN- Geordie_becky@hotmail.com

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Go and see him. He is worth it. If you don't enjoy it, you can still say that you saw him and 'tick a DJ off the list'...... hmmmm... I've just thought of a new topic!

Walks quietly but carries a big Fin.


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Beckie- definitely 100% go- he is quality


One of my highlights of homelands last year was him playing outdoor stage as the sun set- absolute class


Bargain at a fiver too



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  • CTW DJs
Carl Cox is playin at union tonight. I havnt really heard himplay before so dunno whether he would be worth goin to see. Havnt got that much money cos i have to save for tidy, but its only about £5 so dunno what to do!


Anyone like him/not like him?


cant belive u even asked that jawdrop.gif

carl cox is the daddy off all DJs!!!!!!!! easilly pisses other the other djs notworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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