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Thong shopping!


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  • CTW Members
just out of interest have any male members here ever dressed up in girls underwear/clothes for a joke ? I remember Brett & Si at Tidy Weekender 2 doing it (in cyber!) and I also did it in Ibiza one year, VERY embarrasing


Bet you loved every minute really wink.gif gettin in-touch with ya feminine side tongue.gif Nothin 2 b ashamed of, well done 4 admittin it smile.gif

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  • CTW Members
just out of interest have any male members here ever dressed up in girls underwear/clothes for a joke ?


Once me and claire dared this lad to wear one of our thongs and he did, he wore that and only that for the night!!!! was so funny! wink.gif

Just have it like you know i would! :bigwink:
MSN- Geordie_becky@hotmail.com

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