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FAO Pepsi


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lol laugh.gif


Hmmmm, well I was fairly drunk but the cheesy music got a bit too much so ended up leaving early.


Then overslept this morning and didn't make it to an important lecture. So was one of those bad ideas that seems like a bad idea at the time and then carry's on being a bad idea till today.


U wanna come out with me and sue tonite? We are going to the Soar Point


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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I'm not sure, its a bit too far for me to walk laugh.gif


Yeah, what time?


I ended up sleeping in today. Which wasn't a good idea because I've already had to of those absence letters this week. Which box do you think I should tick? I've gone for 'personal problems' because that could be anything so they probably won't even ask why I havent been in.


What you think?

Anyone fancy a bongle with bungle?

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My mate was absent loads for uni and wen they asked him why he told them he had a drug addiction and that he was going out every weekend taking stuff. They were really nice about it and told him were to get help and stuff and even made allowances for his coursework.


Think personel problems is good, they still mite ask u but u can say that u find it difficult to talk about to strangers.


We are meeting at 6 cos Sue has to go help her friend pack cos she is moving. Also I HAVE to make it to my 9am lecture 2mo.



Blink don't think the box is there any more, I haven't seen it.


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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