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Anyone here been to Rome? My parents have moved there (lucky me smile.gif ) and I was wondering if anyone knows of any good clubs. Techno would be good, as would industrial. But failing that HH would do. er... I may be being a little too fussy - I've no idea what Rome's like for clubbing scratchchin.gif



Too far gone

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  • CTW Members

How cool is that, having parents living in Rome. Never been I'm afraid.


Do you ever go on the slimelight board?


you could ask on there, or you could ask in the yahoo chat group, theslimelight at yahoo.com, Steve the EBM/goth DJ runs that, and he DJ's around europe, so he should be able to point you towards some industrial clubs.

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Never been and I can't help out sorry


If it turns out to be good for clubs it'll be class. Imagine the regular trips out there smile.gif

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