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omg i just killed a MASSIVE spider


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Are u tara?

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  • CTW Members
I used to be humane to spiders.... but in my last house, I had some many, that I used to enjoy killing them all.... eh... av some of dat!


Thats just mean shame.gif


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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  • CTW Members
I hate spiders but when i livd in israel had one in my bathroom a little harmless one and i left it there cause it was cute and one of the lads killed it out of spite


I don't mind little cute spiders, its the big hairy ones that run really fast and jump that scare me paranoid.gif


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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well as capn_jack will tell you his brother would probably kill you for kill that spider. I mean he's the daft fuckin [censored] that played with a fuckin black widow!!!!! That's just insane!!!!


But spidders are cool. Unless they is super huge like in eight legged freaks, LMFAO!!! laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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i hate psiders in israel we were shown this well posions one i think black widow and this guy picked it up and i just ran of odwn the road, i do miss the pet lizrad what livced on the roof of the house

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  • CTW Members
well as capn_jack will tell you his brother would probably kill you for kill that spider. I mean he's the daft fuckin [censored] that played with a fuckin black widow!!!!! That's just insane!!!!


But spidders are cool. Unless they is super huge like in eight legged freaks, LMFAO!!! laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


Funny thing is, I had my hand in its web before I noticed it was there. laugh.gif

I don't do much on this planet, but David Blaine has taught me that I could do less!!

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