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Clip of my new track 'The Euphoria Summer'

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  • CTW DJs

I have uploaded a clip one my track to the evolution experience juke box, the full track is 7 minutes long, but i have only uploaded a 3 minute clip because of load time, its also of a low quality, but should be good enough. Oh btw its a Trance Anthem track, so you hard house peeps may not like it rolleyes.gif


My choon is the only choon on the jukebox, so when it loads just press play and wait for it to begin. To go stright to the jukebox clickHERE


Go visit the evolution website at www.evolution-experience.co.uk


any comments \ feedback would be great thefinger.gif

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  • CTW DJs

if i had more bandwidth on me i would downlaod it - but i dont so i wont - soz



have to agree with modular on the title tho - sorry

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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  • CTW Members

Well, id agree on the title too and i think i told Mark this at some point but there was a reason behind it im sure tho i cant remember that either lol (yes i think i was drunk at the time) icon_smile_blush.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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  • CTW Members

its good if u like that sort of thing!! tho i did think they stopped makin this stuff in 1999!! or is that they shud have done!! laugh.gif titles [censored] tho!!

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  • CTW DJs

Title will be changed soon, although its not a simple case of just renaming the Mp3s, i have alot of legal matters to short out with a name change, my fault for choosing a chessy name to start with... no idea what im going to call it, but im not going to change it again, costs a tad to much.. nut.gif


i'll letcha know what the new title is as soona s i change it.. nod.gif

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  • CTW DJs

I'll post links to some of my 'Proper' choons as soon as i get the permissions for them to be cut (cut to 2\3 mins) and released to the public as a demo...


At the mo your listening to my BETA material, hopfully you'll enjoy my proper stuff more thank my demos... tongue.gif

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  • CTW DJs
might be an obvious question, but who do you have to get permissions off before you can upload edits of your own tunes?


was wondering the same thing

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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  • CTW DJs
TomD said:

might be an obvious question, but who do you have to get permissions off before you can upload edits of your own tunes?


agreed.. if theyre not 100% signed wots the prob?

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  • CTW DJs

sorry i was very tired and stuff last night..tis not what i meant..


I have someone outside of MDC Studios to handle legal matters such as copyrights, if i was to cut a choon, the cut also has to be copyrighted as well as the full original, and if i was to add addtional things to the clip such as fade in and out that too has to be noted. I'll see if i can find the details, there here in the office somewhere

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  • CTW DJs

My studio has its own software 'MDC Studios' (which is also the studio name)


Im very lucky with samples, i know alot of people who own music shops, and they sample keyboard and drum machine samples onto cd for me for nothing grin.gif

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