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Picture yerself in plastic!

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  • CTW Members

Yeah that can be the next line of CTW merchandise. CTW action figures. We could have CreamyC doll complete with baby.gif


Do u reckon they would be like action man figures and have no crutch?


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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  • CTW Members

I think a Creamy doll wud be the biggest seller- great value for money. More material to make than every other doll (thanks to his not so streamline figure) and we cud use it as a voodoo doll as well!

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

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  • CTW Members

I cud stab myself, it wud be like a cheap form of acupuncture. idea.gif

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

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  • CTW Members

It never really appealed to me either, but some people swear by it! Maybe these are the same people into S&M? eek.gif



My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

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  • CTW Members

Actually I'd rather not know!

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

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  • CTW Members

Wud still be an improvement as far as Creamy's concerned!

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

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