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If clubs were people?

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Sundissential North!


And i bet many others agree with me, its the bollox!

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  • CTW Members

SS North, tis the dog's gonads!

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

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  • CTW Members

My best friend would have 2b The Opera House in Bmth. cuddle.gif I went back 2c my old buddy last week (and goin this week) after bout 3 years away from my mate. It was nice 2b back on home turf a few bits of the decor has changed but same old place. cuddle.gifluvu.gif Opera House.

I would have 2 say my worst enemy is Steam Rock, also known as the Steamy Cock (probably cause it's a meat market) in Bristol (Dam I hate that place) it's a student place (Sposse bein a student myself I should love it but it's full of cheesy shite music) although I don't frown.gifeviltongue.gifpukeface.gif

REMEMBER :- Geesus Loves U *mwah* xxx

And every1 else thinks ur mashed.

(heehee slight variation on the original sayin)


Dont stop a droppin!


Once u pop u cant stop!


I think Iam what clubbin peeps would call a cuddle-slut. Teehee

Laters peeps

Geesus out spliff.gif

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