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Children and Religious Education?


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My nephew who is a bright, intelligent 5 year old child made me my mum and sis piss ourselves laffing tonight. He doesnt half come out with sum well funny random things. Things u dont expect a 5 year old to come out with!


About once a month, me, my sis, connor (my nephew) and my brother in law go to this cantonese resturant called The Wild Swan. And he loves it and all the staff love him to bits coz he is so comical!


My sis, connor and I had to pop into town this evening and on the way back - we went passed the wild swan. To which he made this comment.."mammy, aunty Moira look..it's The Wild Swan. Shall we go in and have "the last supper" and pretend to be Jesus and the deciples and drink red wine and have the body of christ?"


I thought this was highly amusing for a 5 year old to come out with sumthing so funny! Kids are ACE!


Bless him spliff.gif


I dont care if none of u care but i just thought id share that with you!



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we used to say "Thanks be to God" at various points during mass.


of course i was well getting into this repetitive chanting, like, when i was younger. then one day the priest came round to our house to have a chat with my parents about proper catholic upbringing and i said, as i saw his car pull up in the drive:


"is that Peter God???"



(say it out loud in case you don't get it)


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*puts on serious face*


I know what you mean, Storm, Sin' youngest, is great at singing songs with the wrong lyrics, the one that I always think of is "System Of A Down" he sings


" Why can't you tell me whyyyyyyyy IIIIIIIIII Am your PiEEEEEEEEEEEE"

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"Forgive me father, for I have sinned, it has been 2 days sincle my last confession. My sins are :


"I swore at my brother"

"I argues with my mother"

"I smoked"

"I stole £1 out of my mothers pocket"

"I had my first wank over jesus on the crucifx last night"

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TomD said:



what i don't get is, the almighty sees everything, so why you have to repeat all your sins in confession?


Well if that's the case im guna have the most filthiest sex on the weekend so he can watch.

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