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Calming words


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I'm needing the community support arhhhhhhh

Blind panic is starting to set in the first decent sized event I've organised is on Sunday ticket sales have went well the world in generally a happy place but still I feel like I'm going to vomit I'm like a kid the night b4 christmas any advice to calm down and feel my age again tips for the day.....


Anyone that wants to come along It's at Bar Zynk South Parade Whitley Bay From 1pm till late

Farley JackMaster Funk and K klass (abit plug at the end)



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nice one! sounds pretty good, hope it all goes well.


chill, winston. try and read a book or watch a film or something. but don't watch/read a depressing film or book, get one that's filled with fun and frolics.


i recommend The Goonies.


mmmmmmmm k-klass. their recent tune was actually rather good.

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I wish I could the other problem is I'm the manager at the Bar this is held at so I'm doing the tickets sales promo staffing basically everything to do with it so no matter where I turn at home, work on the lamp post beside the shop I go to to get milk in the morning there's posters or flyers jumping out at me think I'm been driven mad by it all

Need to have abit of a blowout after this ME THINKS...


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