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I still get the same butterflies I had before I turned 18, even tho I'm legal now! Turning 18 was the biggest relief ever, even tho I never got ID'd much before its just that worrying beforehand!

Sounds like you were very lucky!

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The really twatty thing is when you get turned away by some cocky bouncer when you are 21 cos he thinks yer under 18.


Aint funny - I always took ID after that. Was great when I saw the same bouncer the next week tho bigsmile.gif

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CreamyC said:

The reason why you get ID'd is because you wear dummies.


Act like little kids, get treated like little kids.


what else we ment to suck in clubs and i have given up sucking on dummie's

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CreamyC said:

Snez said:

First time i ever get id'd clubbing and tis my 18th birthday.. lucky or what!! bouncy.gif


If I was a pervy bouncer I'd let you in.


Instead I'm just a perv. Do you have a boyfriend ?


I saw you looking at me Creamy......

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quite afew months ago i got asked for ID when buying fags and also got asked for ID when buying drink in kwik save. My youthful looks can be such a pain somtimes. hahaha icon_smile_blush.gif

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AngelJodie said:

CreamyC said:

The reason why you get ID'd is because you wear dummies.


Act like little kids, get treated like little kids.


what else we ment to suck in clubs and i have given up sucking on dummie's


Bit of a leading question ain't it laugh.gif

Act like an adult . . . Be false !
MSN >>> NeoNwomB@hotmail.com

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addy2hotty said:

CreamyC said:

Snez said:

First time i ever get id'd clubbing and tis my 18th birthday.. lucky or what!! bouncy.gif


If I was a pervy bouncer I'd let you in.


Instead I'm just a perv. Do you have a boyfriend ?


I saw you looking at me Creamy......


I wasn't sly enough then. Damm.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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Groovster said:

quite afew months ago i got asked for ID when buying fags and also got asked for ID when buying drink in kwik save. My youthful looks can be such a pain somtimes. hahaha icon_smile_blush.gif


I've been ID'd a few times in the last year, and I'm 29!

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neon said:

AngelJodie said:

CreamyC said:

The reason why you get ID'd is because you wear dummies.


Act like little kids, get treated like little kids.


what else we ment to suck in clubs and i have given up sucking on dummie's


Bit of a leading question ain't it laugh.gif


im in a smutty mood

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