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nooooooo - not the hardhouse series, or the Greenday album, but the proper horrid "cant turn my brain off if i tried" no sleep stuff!


didnt sleep at all saturday nite, not about to go to bed now, no chemicals involved, what the hell is going on!? laugh.gif


cant sleep, wont sleep, grrrrr thumbsdown.gif

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I want to be in bed fast asleep but am working on this dissertation thats in wednesday. Will be doing it all day today, won't get any sleep till Wednesday nite.


Chewi are u taking care of my jumper? U feeding it and making sure its getting a proper nights sleep?


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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well after being up from 10am saturday all the way through to monday 6am using nothing but the power of alcohol i did manage to get...*shock horror*...8 hours kip


Would loooove to have a spliff.gif but i have none - damned tempting to get some in next time this happens tho


Pepsi - your jumper is fine, fed it some curry earlier, bit of a messy eater and got it all over itself! Hope u dont mind


nah, its still clean and is curled up on my sofa thumbs.gif


PS - good luck with the vvork, i remember when i used to pull allnighters to meet deadlines, happy days! *sigh*

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u know SoP was a good idea! thought u quite enjoyed it, he he


you'll get it done, just dont be a worry worm, if all else fails BIG font and triple-line spacing wink.gif


actually dont take my advice, its silly tongue.gif


i'm sure i'm get some sleep - even if it is on the desk at work 2moro

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I'm getting loads done on here laugh.gif


Yeah the major hyper mood that I was in that nite I would never of got any work done at home anyway.


So many excuses, if only my dissertation was on that.


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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well being on here is loosly related to the subject matter nod.gif


we could've taken your work with us to Songs and attached it to the ceiling on bungee ropes so u could bouncy.gif and do vvork at the same time!


u had a lil listen to Smell My Box? bungle seems pretty chuffed with it, txt me earlier to say he was on his second listen grin.gifgrin.gif

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Was very good thumbs.gif, we listened to it just after u left.


Will need a second non-messy listening too just to be certain but some of the tunes on it were v. good and the mixing weren't half bad neither laugh.gif lol


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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Chewi said:

nooooooo - not the hardhouse series, or the Greenday album, but the proper horrid "cant turn my brain off if i tried" no sleep stuff!


didnt sleep at all saturday nite, not about to go to bed now, no chemicals involved, what the hell is going on!? laugh.gif


cant sleep, wont sleep, grrrrr thumbsdown.gif


For some reason i cant sleep at all since the weekend & its doing my head in!

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