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Is CTW becoming more 'business' instead of 'pleasure' ?

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  • CTW Promotors

I'm also a bit confused as into why James is asking for volunteers for meet-ups, non clubbing events ?? What is needed is a person who is going to promote these .....


ONE for Trance


ONE for DnB


ONE for Funky House


The non-clubbing events will be dealt with. These are important to the site.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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James said:

Nick G said:

CreamyC said:

Point 1: It desperately needs diversion to cater for other members who are not into whats currently being offered.


Point 2: Too much is centred on the forums, posts are continuously missed.


Point 3: A weekly / monthly update of whats going on needs to be sent out to members with links on the email to go direct to the person organising it or the specific page involved. Directing the link to a post is pointless.


Point 4: A weekly / monthly club listing guide needs going up including Funky House / DnB / Trance / Progressive ( it may not be what most people like on here but its got to cater for everyone. )


Point 5: Cut down on the amount of individual forums, there are too many.


Point 6: Organised events need to be made public on the MAIN PAGE - not on a forum. And by this I mean dedicated MEMBER events - not clubbing ones.


Point 7: The site needs to appeal more to ALL genres - another SarahPVC is not going to appear unless we look for them.


Point 8: Certain Forums need re-arranging to make it clearer.


Well said, that man! thumbs.gif


Still waiting for volunteers. rolleyes1.gif


I can tell you now that its going to be AT LEAST until the end of this year before anything is sorted with regards seperating the promotional side & event suggestions/meetup attendees from the forums. I do hope people arent going to continue complaining until 2004 !


PLEASE just 'accept' things as they are people and enjoy it for what it is today !


I DONT want to do a 'rush' job - i want to do this properly - so dont expect any radical changes for MONTHS.


James, as i said to you the other night when we were out, i'd love to volunteer to be *the funky house equivalent* to sarah pvc (only not as short, obviously), but at the end of the day, i'm in as bad a position as alot of members on here - if not worse with regards to work. Work takes up far too much of my time at the moment to be able to spend a decent amount of time sorting stuff out for the board. Maybe in a few months when things have settled down a bit and i've got my company fully up and running, i'll be able to offer CTW alot more time.

In the meantime, you know i'm always here to offer feedback, should it be required.

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  • CTW DJs
Guyster said:

Its' the same place 4clubbers was last year, and something has to give. 4c isn't always as fun as it used to be, but I get immense satisfaction out of writing/workign for them, just as I do with anyhting to do with CTW.....


In all fairness tho, 4c is a bit [censored] now - all the people that used to post have gone because the site is more business orientated, leaving very little time for the actual members anymore.... I know (from speaking to loads of ex-4clubbers) that im not the only one that sees it this way... frown.gif

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  • CTW Promotors

In all fairness tho, 4c is a bit [censored] now - all the people that used to post have gone


The same has happened here. And I am totally against the attitude 'well thats their problem', you have to ask why they left.


the site is more business orientated, leaving very little time for the actual members anymore


Once again, good point and I something I fear is going to happen here sooner or later. Actually sooner.


I know (from speaking to loads of ex-4clubbers) that im not the only one that sees it this way...


Again, people left here. As James states you cant please everyone but you have to at least find out why they pissed off. The people that left here were decent people. And thats what pisses me off.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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  • CTW Admin
CreamyC said:

No. The new non-clubbing events need sorting NOW. Its nealy the summer. Its prepared. Its ready but not for use on the forums. I'll say again - THEY GET MISSED.


kev, this isnt a problem and is 'in hand' / not too much work

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  • CTW Promotors
James said:

CreamyC said:

No. The new non-clubbing events need sorting NOW. Its nealy the summer. Its prepared. Its ready but not for use on the forums. I'll say again - THEY GET MISSED.


kev, this isnt a problem and is 'in hand' / not too much work


In hand ??

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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  • CTW Admin
CreamyC said:

I'm also a bit confused as into why James is asking for volunteers for meet-ups, non clubbing events ?? What is needed is a person who is going to promote these .....


ONE for Trance


ONE for DnB


ONE for Funky House


The non-clubbing events will be dealt with. These are important to the site.


yep sorry if i wasnt clear - this is what i meant

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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  • CTW Admin
CreamyC said:

In hand ??


The ctw organised events are going to be listed on the main page (in summary) and on their own page which you will keep updated.


We also need all this type of stuff in the weekly newsletter which needs starting up again properly and not just listing promotional stuff.

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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  • CTW Promotors

I have done one, its on email but it needs an overview of what over stuff is going on as well, ie, what you're doing site related and other information regarding nights and DJ's.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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  • CTW Admin

its not a problem to rename a few forums and create meetup links, the main problem is as the post is called "business / pleasure". can we not keep them totalyl separate?

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  • CTW Moderators
James said:

CreamyC said:

Point 1: It desperately needs diversion to cater for other members who are not into whats currently being offered.


Point 2: Too much is centred on the forums, posts are continuously missed.


Point 3: A weekly / monthly update of whats going on needs to be sent out to members with links on the email to go direct to the person organising it or the specific page involved. Directing the link to a post is pointless.


Point 4: A weekly / monthly club listing guide needs going up including Funky House / DnB / Trance / Progressive ( it may not be what most people like on here but its got to cater for everyone. )


Point 5: Cut down on the amount of individual forums, there are too many.


Point 6: Organised events need to be made public on the MAIN PAGE - not on a forum. And by this I mean dedicated MEMBER events - not clubbing ones.


Point 7: The site needs to appeal more to ALL genres - another SarahPVC is not going to appear unless we look for them.


Point 8: Certain Forums need re-arranging to make it clearer.


Lets make one thing clear, people dont slag it off, it means people give a [censored]. The people say that "its fine mate, well done" dont help because clearly there is other stuff to be done, you'll find most of it is constructive criticsm and if they didn't care they wouldn't bother saying. People are happy but lets be honest, it even half of what was origionally planned for this site. And you know that.


Are there any volunteers out there who are prepared to do all this for NOTHING ?


We've been trying to find a 'SarahPVC' to promote Trance, Funky and other genres for a YEAR now - the fact is no one wants to do anything for nothing in this world anymore.


I would do it / would love to do it but i've run out of 'spare time' i'm afraid.


if i had a pc or a clue how to do this sort of thing i would love to help out for [censored] all as i do spend a lot of time on here wen i do get access to the net but i dont get on often and havnt a clue how to do this sort of thing

it is unfair expectin u to do most the work james, except si, creamy and sarah as they do help out but it seems every1 else seems to hav jobs and not enough time.

other than that the site is great, i enjoy it, meetin new people and stuff not a lot else i can say

i think it caters for most people

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


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  • CTW Promotors
p.s. y not have www.spinbackuk.dj as the business side and leave www.clubtheworld.uk to people looking for laffs as we all werew 6 months ago or wen we joined. People will still visit both but at least they can have their choice.


We are not in a position to be able to do that as the main reason for the merger was to combine the names - spinback is part of us - we are part of spinback - we need to use each others names for it to work

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW Promotors
should we stop allowing people from promoting their own nights then ? Again I thought this was what we and other members wanted to allow, to make it 'different'. Clearly 4clubbers are right in deleting promotional posts then ? Personally i dont agree with this


Surely this is why we have a 'promote yourself' section??

All the moderators for the specific forums should be on the alert for any posts & move them to the correct section.

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • CTW Promotors
Point 4: A weekly / monthly club listing guide needs going up including Funky House / DnB / Trance / Progressive ( it may not be what most people like on here but its got to cater for everyone. )


Dont we already do that in the Events Suggestions? There are an awful lot more posts appearing covering genres such as D & B, funky, hardcore etc than there used to be plus there is going to be an official meetup at Vibelite in june.

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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