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Is CTW becoming more 'business' instead of 'pleasure' ?

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Agreed. It's just a fact of life these days on the internet that if you put your email address online in any form some spam fucker is gonna come along and email you like theres no tomorrow



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Chris_Hutchinson said:


In all fairness tho, 4c is a bit [censored] now - all the people that used to post have gone because the site is more business orientated, leaving very little time for the actual members anymore.... I know (from speaking to loads of ex-4clubbers) that im not the only one that sees it this way... frown.gif


Hang on a minute - since WHEN did this become a post about slagging off 4clubbers? This was about CTW changing, and what was right/wrong with it. angryfire.gif


I've seen a few of you commenting about 4clubbers deleting posts from promoters. This has happened on very FEW occasions. A lot of the time these guys are people who've joined the board, plastered it with ads for their nights, then disappear without trace. On the very few occasions they've complained or posted more and more, one or two times the mods have warned them that they need to be an active part of the board rather than coming on and just posting about nights and then complaining when people tell them to stop or just ignore them. In this instance (and in 15 months I can only remember one or two) a post has been deleted.


We're all about new people joining and becoming part of 4clubbers but, as you know with message boards, it's about getitng to know people or speaking about clubs, music, and anything else you think is part of clubbing. If someone did the same, you'd probably get a bit pissed off too. There has to be a little regulation, not much, but a little.


As for

In all fairness tho, 4c is a bit [censored] now - all the people that used to post have gone because the site is more business orientated, leaving very little time for the actual members anymore.... I know (from speaking to loads of ex-4clubbers) that im not the only one that sees it this way... frown.gif


I don't think it's being very fair either. The board's been going for 2 and a half years now, and, while we started out very small, growth is natural, and, as time has gone on, we've become not only a message board, but a website that includes, (as with yourselves but on a larger scale) interviews, news stories, features, galleries, reviews and competitions. We've grown in many ways, but I don't think (tho I've only been there a year and a bit) we're "shite" now.


When you grow, things inevitably change. If saying we're more business orientated means we've become invloved in club nights, promotions, and we've got advertising, and ties with clubs, and we're becoming established in the marketplace, then I don't see what the problem is. For people who've been on since the beginning, it's miles different, but sotes like CTW and 4c aren't going to stay as little message boards for ever. With the involvement of Spinback with CTW, and collaborations with clubs, both here and Ibiza, and all sorts of other things happening, it's natural that CTW will grow in the same way. As James said, people aren't going to do it for free for ever, and some element of business is going to come in at some point - someone has to pay for servers, hosting, upgrades, esp if they're pretty much full time. It's only natural. While I can see that people don't always like this - after all, this (as 4c did too) stuff comes together through friends with a common interest, in this case clubbing, and it can be a shame seeing it becoming more than that.


As for 'lots of people seeing it this way' that's a shame. If they feel strongly they should say. We're always taking on board what the users say, we're all mates. We don't get loads of people coming on or people seeing us and saying "it's [censored] now". Invariably people will come and go, and esp when they've been there since the start, things aren't going to be the same. But I don't think that's particularly fair. I still think the site's wicked, I've met some of my best mates in the last year off there, and there's always new people coming on.


I can see where the argument about CTW is coming from - we get it all the time - but please don't start having a go at 4clubbers. I'm an active member of both (and other boards too) and work for 4c, and DJ for CTW - I have mates on both, and I get a lot of enjoyment out of both, and I don't want to get dragged into the middle of this.... but I'm sure you can appreciate I don't want people from either board having a go at each other.... smile.gif


Feel the love people luvu.gif

WiLDCHiLD - where spacehoppers and pom poms rule :grin:

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  • CTW DJs
Guyster said:


Hang on a minute - since WHEN did this become a post about slagging off 4clubbers? This was about CTW changing, and what was right/wrong with it. angryfire.gif


Its not slagging it off at all - im just talking about what HAS happened - im not the only one who thinks this so its definatly not just my opinion.....




Guyster said:

We're all about new people joining and becoming part of 4clubbers but, as you know with message boards, it's about getitng to know people or speaking about clubs, music, and anything else you think is part of clubbing. If someone did the same, you'd probably get a bit pissed off too. There has to be a little regulation, not much, but a little.


'We' being the people behind 4c - all the forum people dont give a [censored] like I said before if you dont go to base/sundissential/pv etc. I used to love going on 4clubbers but I really cant be arsed most of the time now as the forums have become so stale...

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Chris_Hutchinson said:

gilly said:

The ida was to get it more organized so there is not too many nights goinng on. 4clubbers got in the rut of being tied to certain clubs, ie Goodgrref, Sundissential PV etc.


EXACTLY!!!!! 4c has gotten to the stage where it seems promoters are only interested in booking 4c events because of the extra numbers it practically guarantees thru the doors, and the easy exposure!!


Its gotten to the stage where you would be forgiven for thinking that the GENERAL CHAT page on 4c forums was actually the official PV/BASE/GOODGREEF/SUNDISSENTIAL forum.... its also one of the reasons I hardly go on anymore as anyone that doesnt attend these nights is pretty much frozen out of the whole website. Dont get me wrong, there are some great people on 4c that I have met (Shan, Guffy, GRH, Ben Kouijzer, Salvador, Jellytot, Yourself etc.), but they are becoming a minority now as the current 'regulars' dont seem to give a [censored] about anyone they dont know frown.gif


Frankly, that's BOLLOCKS mate. I'm sorry you don't go on 4c any more, but I can't agree with what you've said. I live in London, and I've NEVER been to Goodgreef, I've been to Base once, and SS twice. I go to PV q a bit, mostly because a lot of my friends are there, and I get the chance to see them in one place as I live so far away. However, I also go to Speedqueen, Damnation (where I played for CTW) and many other nights around London - Frantic, Riot!, Type, Bedrock, Defected, the list goes on...


While I agree that many of the people who are regulars live in Leeds, Manc, Sheffs, Brum and around there, there are a lot in Bristol, Southampton and the S Coast, London, Liverpool, Scotland, and many of these are old members. Just cos they can't get to many of the events that 4c are involved in doesn't stop them staying on the board. I live almost 200 miles from Leeds, but after a year and a bit on the board, I've managed to take on a lot of work for them, and love what I do.


I only see a lot of the guys when I'm clubbing, I don't get to many meet ups, but I make the effort, like a lot of others on the board, to get to know new people. THe amount of new people on the board in the last year has been huge; most have been in Leeds, Manc and Brum, but it's a site based in the north, so it's to be expected. I'm forever trying to get more people from down here involved.


And when you mention the "good people" they're the ones involved in the nights you're having a go at! Salvador runs PV with IrishDave, Shan's resident at GG, where Guffy regularly plays, GRH is shortly to take over running Base.... so it's not surprising that, as older members themselves, and running the most popular nights on the board, that they get a lot of coverage.... I love going to PV as I'll know half the club.... that's a meet-up isn't it?? confused.gif


There's a lot more nights' 4c is associated with too - Addiction, Wildchild, Speedqueen, and many more that are just as much to do with people on the board..... you can't complian that someone wants to get as many people down to a night as they can, esp when they're friends.... that's what message boards are for - meeting people, going clubbing with them, and you're going to support nights that you know.


I'm sorry you feel that way, but when you start a message board, and, like CTW is becomes v popular, it grows, and things like this are a natural progression. People who care about the site, like you all do, are going to feel strongly about changes, but that's what being a member is about. I'm sure CTW will go from strength to strength with people like James, Sarah, Kev and everyone else behind it grin.gif


After all, we're talking about CTW in this thread, and not about any other sites..... so please don't drag them in smile.gif


Ta grin.gif

WiLDCHiLD - where spacehoppers and pom poms rule :grin:

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  • CTW DJs
Guyster said:

We've grown in many ways, but I don't think (tho I've only been there a year and a bit) we're "shite" now.


im talking about the forums, the rest of the site is incredibly well presented and always kept upto date!! What im saying is that the forums have changed, all the people that used to be friendly etc. have dissapeared now - THATS where it has become '[censored]'.... most of the people on the forums there tend to alienate people now rather then welcome them and as I have said a few times, if you dont regularly go to Base/PV/whatever nights 4clubbers help plug, then nobody really cares about you....


The people behind 4clubbers are all top guys and I dont want anyone thinking this is an attack on them in anyway...

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When I'm out - and there are many people that will vouch for this - some conversations go on and on about the board. Why? Because the loss of a well known member or someone who doesn't post does worry me. You think why is someone who used to post 200 odd posts per week not posting anymore? I dont accept the "oh he / she is really busy at the moment so cant get on as much" because you dont lose so many members for that reason. They decide not to post anymore because they dont like certain things that are happening on the board etc etc. Unfortuntately that does happen, we used to have loads of funky house people on here mainly from Liverpool but they now post on the garlands board mainly because garlands is 'a very close community'. But I dont see why ClubTheWorld cannot be a nationwide community - why does / should it have to be 'area communities'. The foundations are there, this site and its people have the ideas to move forward and make this a unique clubbing website that not only caters for its DJ's with a dedicated agency, not only host clubbing nights but soon will ALSO be organising dedicated non-clubbing events for its MEMBERS. The whole concept of this site was to look after its members and thats exactly what it intends on doing. Soon there will be a whole new idea put in place where all people will have to do is turn up at an event (ie Alton Towers) and enjoy it. Longer term, we aim to organise transportation to and from places, take ALL payments without anyone worrying about it. This is why this website is UNIQUE and this is why we have to make sure people - you - are happy, it may not come across like that sometimes but as someone said to me last night, we are like a group of friends, and all friends argue but if members are pissed off we have to ask why. It will be good when all this new stuff is in place, the site is expanding, unfortunately bigger than what was first thought which is why its taking longer to complete and adapt to but it will be very good.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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Agreed on most of what you just said but i'm afraid i dis-agree on there being lots of members 'pissed off'. I personally believe people dont post as much because of;

a) They really are busy (work, new girlfriend, private issues)


B) The novelty of posting/message boards has worn off


'Most' people dont post as much as they intitially post in the first few months but pretty much ALL still come on the boards once a week and check what is going on. You would be suprised how many people are viewing the posts - a [censored] load. I've even phoned a few people up recently asking why they dont come on much and they say they do but just to check what is going on mainly & read topics of interest.


Ok so we've had one or two who have actually got so pissed off they've left but we cant really worry too much about them as we cant stop people posting crap that pisses them on. Far too many people out there taking message boards too seriously. Anyway, this will all be resolved when the message board is just for posting random crap - people will be able to ignore the entire board entirely and just check the events sections.


I think Grant is the only member ever who has permanently "left the site" ??? All the others I know still do come on from time to time to see what we're up to.

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Just one thing James, you missed something.

It's all very well saying that the site has to become more commercial in order to support it's growing size, I'm not disputing that. But that doesn't change the fact that people who joined when it was small obviously liked it at the time. Now that it's grown, it's changed, and can't force them to stay on a site that isn't what they want.

Change is inevitable, yes, but it's also inevitable that some people won't accept that change.

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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can't force them to stay on a site that isn't what they want


I'm not trying to force anyone to stay on the site.

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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James said:

can't force them to stay on a site that isn't what they want


I'm not trying to force anyone to stay on the site.


But then surely you have to find out why they left the site?

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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