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haha quality song




i didn't actually make it into uni today. after i got off msn i went for a turd and that made me late for the bus.


so at least now i know what my priorities are next time. university, followed by internal haemorrage.


shame.gif mr moo's todger wafts in the breeze.

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TomD said:


i didn't actually make it into uni today. after i got off msn i went for a turd and that made me late for the bus.





Looks like sum1 may get thw BOOT!


U took my advise didnt you?


See, im great for offering the correct advise.



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yyeeeeeah.... it was a combination of the turd plus i'd just had peanut butter on toast which smells bad and even though i do computer science and so probably nobody'd notice, i thought i'd better try and get rid of the smell anyway with mouth wash.


so ultimately it was personal hygiene that led to my failure in higher education. i don't think many people can claim that.

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