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FAO: anyone who has worked in a club


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i was just wondering.. do people who work behind the bar, etc enjoy it... or is it pretty crappy work usually???...


am looking for inspiration for a possible year out from my day job... idea.gifi thought a couple of months working in a club might be fun (but think i might be being just a little bit naive maybe)...







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ok i've never worked in one.... but.....


i'd say it's down to what type of club really. like if it's your local pikey scum "niteclub" then it would probably be [censored]. but if it was a club with half-decent events on then you'd probably get a lot of nonsense banter from the customers and considering you'd be serving bottles of water half the time i reckon it'd be an easy job..... wink.gif

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i worked in a nightclub for 2 years and had the best laugh ever.

we had a great time gettin on with the customers, and after work the staff would have a laugh, every one was great and it was the best job iv had in my life and i still work there if they need help now and again.

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The only trouble at nightclubs is one nite they'll have a superb hh nite on over the weekend but if u work during the week they'll be holding 80's nite or something equally as bad.




Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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dani_babyboo said:

i worked in a nightclub for 2 years and had the best laugh ever.

we had a great time gettin on with the customers, and after work the staff would have a laugh, every one was great and it was the best job iv had in my life and i still work there if they need help now and again.


suppose its pot luck getting into a place with ppl u like tho

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i worked in the cheesiest club ever (zanzibar in birmingham) for about 8 months last year and actually had the time of my life. i think it all depends on the rest of the staff tho to be honest. its like anything else, if u get on with the staff n ur on the same wave length then ur gonna have fun aint ya

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Pepsi said:

The only trouble at nightclubs is one nite they'll have a superb hh nite on over the weekend but if u work during the week they'll be holding 80's nite or something equally as bad.



The 80s rocked!!

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Mr_Happy said:

dani_babyboo said:

i worked in a nightclub for 2 years and had the best laugh ever.

we had a great time gettin on with the customers, and after work the staff would have a laugh, every one was great and it was the best job iv had in my life and i still work there if they need help now and again.


suppose its pot luck getting into a place with ppl u like tho


places which have young staff are great, me and my m8 used to dance behind the bar and make up silly moves together it was fun

u can either choose to hav a laugh or not and its a great way to meet people

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