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Furry boots are about as cool as sarps IMO. Discuss


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neon said:

Whats this ? An anti cyber forum ???



Most the time i go in cyber but i don't stand there and take the piss out of someone for dressing in "normal" clothes. Take a look through the pix on this site ? Oh look loads of cyber ! !


Wear what the fook you like , just enjoy yourselves icon_yippee.gif

Nice 1 mate thumbs.gif

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Just reading thru this post again.


Its a shame that, n omatter how ppl dress to go clubbing, some ppl have a problem with it.


As Neon more or less pointed out. Clubbing isnt all about what you wear, its about enjoying yrself.


I hate critisizing bastards!

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People will be people. It shouldn't matter what people think, to be honest. If your comfortable dressing up then thats fine, but it does have to be understood that not everyone sees it the same way as you do.

I don't do much on this planet, but David Blaine has taught me that I could do less!!

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Maria said:

Just reading thru this post again.


Its a shame that, n omatter how ppl dress to go clubbing, some ppl have a problem with it.


As Neon more or less pointed out. Clubbing isnt all about what you wear, its about enjoying yrself.


I hate critisizing bastards!




this all just banter really, everyone loves each other really... cyber gimp or tryhard twat or whatever you want grouphug.gif



i have 104 friends

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Capn_Jack said:

People will be people. It shouldn't matter what people think, to be honest. If your comfortable dressing up then thats fine, but it does have to be understood that not everyone sees it the same way as you do.


Blatantly mate!


But at the end of the day ppl do take offence by their personal opinions!!

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Am I not allowed to have me hair in a half-arsed, half-hearted attempt at a mini-mohican without getting labelled as a try-hard or clone now? grin.gif



Pfffft laugh.gif



A few people have already said it, but everyone should wear what they want, when they want. And have any hair-style they fancy. At the end of the day its gonna be tricky and near impossible for 1000 entirely different clothes and hair styles amongst 1000 people in a club. There are always gonna be some matches smile.gif


As for Cyber ... Its part of the fun surely? ... I've never gone cyber before but its something I'm starting to like and will deffo try

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The closest I have looked to cyber is wearing sum hotpants in TW due to the heat in the place. They were cyber(ish) like. And even then i thought i looked awfull! was well para coz i know it would never suit me!


And i would never try it!

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Graham said:

clubbing clothes should be about originality,



rather then everyone ending up looking the same, in the cyber dog clothing.


I make some of my own clothes this way i am totally original ( yes i do own a sewing machine ) and i don't wear cyberdog clothes cos they are tooooo expencive for me cry.gif


If we can't wear what we want surely our freedom of expression ceases




P.S. I'm thinking of turning into a townie flipa.gif

Act like an adult . . . Be false !
MSN >>> NeoNwomB@hotmail.com

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P.S. I'm thinking of turning into a townie



Hmmm ... I'm tempted to go on a shopping spree and turn up at Passion this Satdy in a burberry cap and a cream coloured shellsuit tucked into some red football socks scratchchin.gif

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Nik_Lazy said:

P.S. I'm thinking of turning into a townie



Hmmm ... I'm tempted to go on a shopping spree and turn up at Passion this Satdy in a burberry cap and a cream coloured shellsuit tucked into some red football socks scratchchin.gif


Don't you dare . . . .


Thats what i was going to wear laugh.gif

Act like an adult . . . Be false !
MSN >>> NeoNwomB@hotmail.com

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laugh.gif Thats the beauty of it mate. We can wear exactly the same things and get away with it!


Creamfields last year had hundreds of identical scallys staggering around ... I thought it was a comedy show at first until I realised they were serious bigsmile.gif

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i think it is still bout originality as yes i wear furry boots bit i tend to make a lot of outfits myself and also shop around for cheap but mad stuff instead of payin out for cyber outfits other people are likely to wear to.

sometimes tho i cant be bothered and wear my jeans as im more comfortable but most the time im comfortable in cyber

so it is dependin on how comfortable u feel

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