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Furry boots are about as cool as sarps IMO. Discuss


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Snez said:

i bought my 3rd pair today. they look better than a skirt/hotpants with just trainers and nothing to cover them up.

Each to their own tho


yeh exactly - I wear 'em coz theres no way I could dance (or even walk around all nite)in a pair of heels - just trainers everytime would look borin - with a skirt/hotpants - leg warmers def make it look smarter(w/out looking tarty!), my boots r individual anyway coz their actual fluffy boots not legwarmers eviltongue.giflaugh.gif

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Wear whatever you wanna and whatever you feel good/comfy in... Screw everyone else! smile.gif

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
msn: msn@bukeytheloon.com

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Bukey said:

Wear whatever you wanna and whatever you feel good/comfy in... Screw everyone else! smile.gif


and if that means strolling about dressed as a chicken or a sheep, so be it. If you feel comfy in Ben Sherman, you're obviously better off changing into the sheep costume sooner rather than later

Traditional yet contemporary

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Del_Monte said:

Bukey said:

Wear whatever you wanna and whatever you feel good/comfy in... Screw everyone else! smile.gif


and if that means strolling about dressed as a chicken or a sheep, so be it. If you feel comfy in Ben Sherman, you're obviously better off changing into the sheep costume sooner rather than later


If you're comfortable wearing Ben Sherman, fair play.... It makes the target practise soooo much easier for the marksman... smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
msn: msn@bukeytheloon.com

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Furry boots: BURN THEM, BURN THEM!!!! *goes to get lighter*


They are so wrong. What are ppl doing wearing things that didnt even look good 3years ago?!


Yeah, i shud b nice and liberal and say every1 can wear what they want, but im shallow, so [censored] it, they're [censored]!

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CreamyC said:

Maria said:

Capn_Jack said:

People will be people. It shouldn't matter what people think, to be honest. If your comfortable dressing up then thats fine, but it does have to be understood that not everyone sees it the same way as you do.


Blatantly mate!


But at the end of the day ppl do take offence by their personal opinions!!


So ?


Surely they should take it and it ignore. The problem these days is far too many people take offence to what others say.


Ok I agree.


The clothes u wore at Wildchild made you look fat, and pikey like.

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Maria said:

CreamyC said:

Maria said:

Capn_Jack said:

People will be people. It shouldn't matter what people think, to be honest. If your comfortable dressing up then thats fine, but it does have to be understood that not everyone sees it the same way as you do.


Blatantly mate!


But at the end of the day ppl do take offence by their personal opinions!!


So ?


Surely they should take it and it ignore. The problem these days is far too many people take offence to what others say.


Ok I agree.


The clothes u wore at Wildchild made you look fat, and pikey like.


Good girl.


But lets get things into perspective here ..... you look dog ugly regardless what you wear or what you put on.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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CreamyC said:

Maria said:

CreamyC said:

Maria said:

Capn_Jack said:

People will be people. It shouldn't matter what people think, to be honest. If your comfortable dressing up then thats fine, but it does have to be understood that not everyone sees it the same way as you do.


Blatantly mate!


But at the end of the day ppl do take offence by their personal opinions!!


So ?


Surely they should take it and it ignore. The problem these days is far too many people take offence to what others say.


Ok I agree.


The clothes u wore at Wildchild made you look fat, and pikey like.


Good girl.


But lets get things into perspective here ..... you look dog ugly regardless what you wear or what you put on.


Well then, u should start learning to keep your filthy paws offa me. innit.


Pie eater.

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i dont mind wat people wear either, but i've had some people giving it loadz to me before now when i've been out, just cos i was wearing heels n a skirt and top. at the end of the day, thats the way i am, i like it, and i dont laugh at others, so wat the fcuk was it all about. it makes u feel like u dont belong, and like they all gang up on u with their stares! leave them all to it, fcuk them all n have a laugh regardless wat they think,enjoy the music n have a laugh,thats wat its all about.not all cyber people are like that,but u do get the arsey ones, especially at ss hq! biting.gifbiting.giflaugh.gif

I wanna snort cocaine on the breakfast tray...
I wanna get twisted.
Do u fuk as well as u dance???

msn shuffle69shuffle@hotmail.com

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