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Random Bollox, and the User Surge

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  • CTW Admin

a nasty smelly burglar broke into their house and died due to the smell of Grimsby fish market that came from her gash. Anyway, his mate came in with a gas mask and as he approached the bedroom...

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...to find several mouldy fannies hidden away in brown paper bags. He found this amusment and started labeling each fannie with a name tag. It went sumthing liek this..


foo foo


axe wound

fish monger

twat flaps

angry beaver...etc etc


To hs surprise, the bloke from slough opened the door and entered the room.

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  • CTW Admin

he then pulled down his dungarees whipped out his mr_moo sized cock(1/2 inch) and tried to wank, but nooooo he was simpy to small to get any rythm, so he pulled a vibrator out and shoved it up his ass! Then ..

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  • CTW Admin

the vibrator made its way up into his intestines and through his stomach (after getting stuck for a year), out his throat and straight out of his mouth! He loved it so much he shot his load into CreamyC's eye (a passing tramp - very lovable) then...









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  • CTW Moderators

..CreamyC suddenyl rubbed his eye. Rubbed it so much that he started complaing that there wa sa strong salt like sting blinding him from seeing out of one eye. He was a tramp, the vibrator dude didnt care.



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Clubbing_Si said:

With pot noodle flavours, and call duration posts on mobiles and even posts on compters and grey hair, can i withdraw my statement from yesterday about CTW being quiet and say that there is an incredible amount of a) Traffic and B) Random bollox occuring!!!!




saw yesterday that in Ten Minutes, 35 people were online and using the website! just thought id voice my opinions that its all good


Yep, just in the process of deleting all the [censored] like "wank" and all that crap from Maria and we should be fine. She really does need to go out more. No wonder she was dumped from Gurn.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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