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Leicester College is bloody useless

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Well, they wouldn't want to waste money on producing literature for time wasters, would they. At least if you have to apply to get the details, they know that you are going to apply!!

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also the manage ment at Leicester college are useless anyway. My dad's worked there for god knows how many years, over 25 i think, and over that time he built up a huge filing system of resources etc for his course that was all layed out how he wanted it. The he goes back after the easter break to find out the whole filing cabinet has been chucked and the files put back in a new filing cabinet in totally the worng order aming it a nightmare for my dad. All this was because the filing cabinet was the wrong colour

you need me i'm magic E, hehe

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Alas I was merely trying to inject some humour.


I do sympathise and agree that it is pretty damn crap of them. Can they not even give you the number of a tutor to phone up and chat to about it?

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i've got a name and number, but i know from experience the chance of gettin thru to them is little to none, especially at thi time of year. Ah well my appologies if i seemed like i was goin off on one. Just find it a little frustrating. I don't think i'm ognna bother with this course as looking at the small amount of info i have it's geared more towards people wanting to get into sound engineering for TV/Film/Stage etc. So will keep lookin for soething else i think

you need me i'm magic E, hehe

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Si, if you get Sound On Sound, in the classifieds in the back, they have loads of places advertising for Sound Engineering Courses.....Not sure if you can get access to their classifieds on the web www.sospubs.co.uk I think is the address

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CreamyC said:

Students ....


ah i'm not a student yet, hehe. haven't been for over a year and a half




Cheers for the link blink, i'll go check it out, failing that i'll go get SoS 2morrow, or l8er if they have it in the shop in the village

you need me i'm magic E, hehe

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