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FAO: Wildchild People

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  • CTW Admin



I am still, even now, re-living last night. What a fantastic night starting off with amazing 'proper' trance in the main room, then seeing Glazby, Reynolds and then our very own Andy Whitby in the 2nd room banging out the best hardhouse i've heard for a long long time. And then of course Guyster in the top room playing some of the classiest funky house ive heard since my last visit to garlands.


Everyone had the same feelings last night - everyone without exception agreed that the music was AMAZING and no one could stop dancing all night. I was just fooked off with myself as i had been out Matrix the night before and had a banging headache for the last part of the night and couldnt stomp around as much as i had liked but i took immense pleasure in watching EvilHedFuk, his friend from wildchild (sorry hun i cant remember your name!) and their 'crew' stomping by the bar for ever and ever amen! I fooking loved seeing you lot jumping around making the most of the best music ive heard in a long long time. The trance just took me straight back to ibiza last year - i realised that i could grow to appreciate trance again and also realised we definitely need to cater for it, and other genres, better on this site.


Whitby - OMFG - you just get better and better each time i see you play - already a pro in my book. Your scratching is just the icing on the cake mate eek.gif


The biggest london meet ever - loads in the pub beforehand, a slight pity that everyone was so spread out in the club but this is expected. Huge thanks to everyone who came down, especially those travelling long distances such as Tom, SentialSteve, HippyOnAString, and loads of others.


Extremely well done to Wildchild for pulling off yet another amazing event - i really feel their events are in a different class to most others'


Just hope I can manage to get through work tomorrow without being too depressed its all over, until the next time ...



CTW AdminClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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Yep it was a fantastic night mate, one of the best yet in my opinion! thumbs.gif

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James, i was missioning for u last night to give u a talk about thanking u for CTW again.... (AGAIN LOL)


It wasnt the GB.... honestly! angel.gif

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  • CTW Admin

I didnt have a problem finding a lot of you all night but that was mostly my fault constantly moving around and because it was such a huge venue - all good though!

CTW AdminClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...



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Well u know what GB is like, u say ill be there in a sec, and then... well.. u know! laugh.gif

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Was top to see so many CTW people out - i think this has been the biggest meetup so far - wanted to speak to everyone & just didnt get chance.


INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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James said:

I was just fooked off with myself as i had been out Matrix the night before and had a banging headache for the last part of the night and couldnt stomp around as much as i had liked but i took immense pleasure in watching EvilHedFuk, his friend from wildchild (sorry hun i cant remember your name!) and their 'crew' stomping by the bar for ever and ever amen! I fooking loved seeing you lot jumping around making the most of the best music ive heard in a long long time


I thank you! thumbs.gif


But I fooking ache today tho! disappointed.gif

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CreamyC said:

Rickholas, how was the flat ?

It was good mate, It was very full at one point, had a mental one and attempted to go to the after's, but it had already shut by 3:30ish... frown.gif


So I went back to the flat and rejoined my party...


Where did you [censored] off to? I did say you were more than welcome...

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James said:

Everyone had the same feelings last night - everyone without exception agreed that the music was AMAZING


i'm the exception - bar glazbys set (OMG i cant believe how fukin good it was or how fukin mental i danced eek.gifeek.gifeek.gif) and the 'proper' trance @ the beginning of the night, i thought the music was pretty sketchy


altho the atmosphear was exceptional - more than made up 4 the music imo


bloody good night out it was nod.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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rickd said:

CreamyC said:

Rickholas, how was the flat ?

It was good mate, It was very full at one point, had a mental one and attempted to go to the after's, but it had already shut by 3:30ish... frown.gif


So I went back to the flat and rejoined my party...


Where did you [censored] off to? I did say you were more than welcome...


more to the point - where did u fuk off to - we thought every1 was in our group wen we made our jurney to the afterparty confused.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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Mr_Happy said:

rickd said:

CreamyC said:

Rickholas, how was the flat ?

It was good mate, It was very full at one point, had a mental one and attempted to go to the after's, but it had already shut by 3:30ish... frown.gif


So I went back to the flat and rejoined my party...


Where did you [censored] off to? I did say you were more than welcome...


more to the point - where did u fuk off to - we thought every1 was in our group wen we made our jurney to the afterparty confused.gif

I went back to mine, I told a few people I was going there for a shower before the afters, it's just that a load of other people turned up and time dissapeared. The official afters was supposed to go on until 8pm.. I went down there about 3ish to find it was already closed, so I went back to mine and we all carried on partying until I got rid of the last 6 people at 11ish...

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