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Chicken Farming

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My old man said this to me the other day about battery farmed chickens... laugh.gif


"Chickens. You don't want to eat supermarket chicken. It's full of antibiotics. It's hard enough to get antibiotics from the doctors... you got a cold? Eat a chicken - the antibiotics in that will sort you out. SARS - send them a load of chickens - that will solve the problem!"

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MattD said:

My old man said this to me the other day about battery farmed chickens... laugh.gif


"Chickens. You don't want to eat supermarket chicken. It's full of antibiotics. It's hard enough to get antibiotics from the doctors... you got a cold? Eat a chicken - the antibiotics in that will sort you out. SARS - send them a load of chickens - that will solve the problem!"




why r they feeding chickens anitbiotics?


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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He says that all the corn they feed them in battery farms is full of chemicals and antibiotics.


Only eat farm grown chickens he recons...


He watched a documentary on it - at one point it said that some of the really dodgy stuff marked as chicken is actually closer to pork when it has been tested!! pukeface.gif

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Well, I guess I'm not having chicken for my dinner then.

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

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